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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 21, 2008
So I wanted to pose this question about how many use a screen protector on their watch.Those that don't use one, do you notice a lot of scratches or is it minimal? I'm wondering how durable the standard display is on non-sapphire displays.
Personally I have always used a film protector and it does an excellent job except I'm constantly replacing them because the edges start to peel. I"m thinking that since I usually get a new watch after a couple of years, should I just not bother and use the watch without one?
Not sure what type of screen is on your watch but sapphire is much more scratch resistant.. I've had my S6 (ion-x glass) for almost 3 years and have never used a screen protector. I have no noticeable scratches and unless you tilt it in all sorts of angles in bright sunlight you only notice fine micro scratches which is acceptable to me. If you brush against something abrasive like brick, pavement, etc. I'd say it won't handle it well..
I used a film screen protector on my SE for the first year, then abandoned it. No screen protector on my S8 (Aluminium). Both Ion-X, no scratches on either.

I'm somewhat careful though, I am conscious not to bang it about, just like with any watch. It's taken a few knocks but no damage so far.

The sapphire screen will be far more scratch resistant but loses some crack resistance.
FWIW, I have had nearly every iteration of the AW since April 2015 - all except S1 (Went from S0 to a S2),S6 & S8 (I got an Ultra)

All have had sapphire screens except the S4. All have been totally scratch free, except the S4. Make whatever you want to from that :)
thanks for the feedback.
I'm going to remove my film protector once it starts peeling again and just take a chance. I alternate between two AW6's. I use it all day and also while sleeping, then next morning I put it on the charger. The battery usually is about 20% when I wake. I purchased both used and battery still easily lasts day and night on both.
I plan on supplementing my collection with possibly an AW Ultra 2 when they come out later this Fall or a discounted AW Ultra1.
Here's my aluminum Series 4 which I wore 24/7 outside of charging & showering for almost 3 years. It has the one major scratch (circled in red) that's visible when the screen is on, and it's just barely visible. You can see it best when the screen is off, and I had to work hard to get the right lighting and angle for it to show in the picture. The picture makes it look way worse than it is. There are also micro abrasions, but those are completely invisible when the screen is on, and you have to be looking for them when the screen is off.


I only babied the watch for the first few months until I got that "big gouge" that basically disappears when the screen is on. That, I believe, was caused by a door handle banging into the watch. As you can see from the picture, the aluminum itself is more damaged than the glass from everyday wear (yellow circles).

As far as the environment it was in during those 3 years, I worked in an office but spent limited amounts of time on a manufacturing floor. Outside of work I hike, walk, run, camp, do household chores and some basic car maintenance with the watch on. I also sleep with my watch on, so this one also got banged against a wall and dresser periodically in my sleep. I never did anything too crazy, but I wasn't terribly careful either, and this is the condition it was in after 3 years. It's probably also worth a mention that I ..."tested"... fall detection more than once on pavement and rocky trails during that time. Fall detection works pretty great. And no noticeable damage to the glass from those.

My Series 7 (not pictured) is coming up on 2 years old in a few months and I've been even less careful with it. Same work/life conditions and it's in nearly pristine condition aside from some micro abrasions which are hardly visible even with the screen off. No visible scratches.
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