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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 30, 2014
Hi guys,

here's a video from a befriended photographer from New York about me.

I think he did an awesome job, put a lot of effort into final cut. Color correction and everything worked pretty well.
@ all the pros: What do you think about the end result, any suggestions? We are working on another project, recommendations very welcome.

Last edited:

adn rcd dly

macrumors 6502
Nov 23, 2004
Salt Lake City, UT
The riding was pretty damn cool.

As far as the edit the only things I felt were weird were the re-times and the tilt shift when you're on the benches. To me they felt weird, but I wouldn't say bad. The image looked very nice and again, you have quite a talent!


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 30, 2014
The riding was pretty damn cool.

As far as the edit the only things I felt were weird were the re-times and the tilt shift when you're on the benches. To me they felt weird, but I wouldn't say bad. The image looked very nice and again, you have quite a talent!

Thanks for the feedback, appreciate it! :cool:
The tilt shift actually was intended and realized with a special lens, but i know what you mean.
Overal I'm quite happy with the result.
New Videos coming soon.

Here's a very quick video with the bike on a slack line:

FCP makes it pretty easy and nice to edit.

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