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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Dec 1, 2006
Cedar Rapids, IA. USA
I recently used CC Cloner to back up some files to an external drive. However, I notice that when viewing the drive in Finder, some of the file folders have a small red circle with a "minus" sign enclosed, located in the lower right corner of the folder icon.

What does that mean???

I have searched these forums and Apple Support to no avail...



Mar 4, 2006
It means that your user account does not have rights to view the files and folders within them.


Sep 7, 2008
forlod bygningen
Change file and folder permissions through the Finder in Snow Leopard

Finder > select folder > right click > GET INFO (CMD+I) > Sharing & Permissions > set your user to have the right permissions.



macrumors 68040
Original poster
Dec 1, 2006
Cedar Rapids, IA. USA

Thanks for the quick informative response.

I do wonder, however, why the permissions changed when copying them since the source folders (my ownership) don't have that issue, but the copy does.



macrumors G5
Jun 27, 2007
DO NOT CHANGE permission on the external drive.

The permissions only applies when you are booted into THAT drive.

If you boot using external drive, and examine files on the external drive, then it should be fine.
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macrumors newbie
Jan 17, 2017
In my little network, two Mac Minis are connected. On the first Mac (Mac1), I am sharing a folder with the second Mac (Mac2). When the user on Mac2 opens and saves a file on the shared folder on Mac1, two red negative file folders are automatically created (see photo below).

Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 4.45.35 PM.png

This error only happens when a file is opened and saved. It does not occur when a file is copied to the shared folder on Mac1.

This error still occurs after giving the user on Mac2 full Read and Write permissions to the shared folder, and after applying "Apply to enclosed items..." on the shared folder.

Why is this error occurring?


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009

I don't know if you got things working yet, but here's a tip on how to overcome permissions problems like this when connecting an external drive.

a. connect the external drive
b. let the icon mount on the desktop, but DO NOT "open it" yet
c. click ONE time on the icon to select it
d. bring up the "get info" box for the drive icon (type "command-i")
e. at the bottom of get info, click the lock and enter your password
f. put a checkmark into "ignore ownership on this volume" (sharing and permissions)
g. close get info.

Now.. you can copy items from the external drive to your own drive (and account), and whatever you copy will "fall under the ownership" of your (new) account.

Give this a try.
Just about all of those "red minus signs" will immediately disappear!


macrumors newbie
Jan 17, 2017

I don't know if you got things working yet, but here's a tip on how to overcome permissions problems like this when connecting an external drive.

a. connect the external drive
b. let the icon mount on the desktop, but DO NOT "open it" yet
c. click ONE time on the icon to select it
d. bring up the "get info" box for the drive icon (type "command-i")
e. at the bottom of get info, click the lock and enter your password
f. put a checkmark into "ignore ownership on this volume" (sharing and permissions)
g. close get info.

Now.. you can copy items from the external drive to your own drive (and account), and whatever you copy will "fall under the ownership" of your (new) account.

Give this a try.
Just about all of those "red minus signs" will immediately disappear!

Thank you for the thoughts. My issue is occurring on two networked Macs, not when I connect an external hard drive. Will your procedure work on two networked Macs?


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
"Will your procedure work on two networked Macs?"

I have no idea, I've never tried it.
I'm going to guess that the answer may be, "no".


macrumors 68020
Aug 27, 2015
on the land line mr. smith.
Thank you for the thoughts. My issue is occurring on two networked Macs, not when I connect an external hard drive. Will your procedure work on two networked Macs?
There are known issues with file sharing on MacOS and permissions not behaving in expected ways. You can find quite a few threads around here (and elsewhere) complaining about file-sharing quick/easy fix that I am aware of.


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
poverby wrote:
"My issue is occurring on two networked Macs, not when I connect an external hard drive."

If the amount of data to be transferred is not that large, why not just copy it to a flashdrive, then use my recommendation as posted in reply 7 above?

Yes, it's "low tech".
But... it works.
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