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Original poster
Nov 30, 2014
With Finder, are there gestures that one can use to navigate between folders?
Example, in a browser, I can use two fingers to go to the previous page. It would be great if Finder had that sort of option...

Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 17.33.17.png


macrumors G3
Feb 13, 2011
Baltimore, Maryland
You should try out BetterTouchTool.

Specifically, to do what you want you'd add a two-finger swipe left for Finder and configure the action "⌘]" (or "⌘[" if you prefer) and the opposite action for swipe right.

I've been using BTT for a short while and add actions as I think of them or when I find suggestions for gestures on the internet for apps I use.
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