Here's the process:
Connect iPhone (OS version 15.2.1, latest as of today) to Mac Pro 7.1 (OS version 12.1, latest version as of today).
Start Finder and sync the iPhone to the Mac Pro.
Click on "Check for Update" button.
When the OS version check is completed, a box titled "This version of the iPhone software..." appears.
Click "OK."
The box disappears as intended.
Then another identical box appears.
Click "OK" again.
The 2nd box disappears as intended, I suppose.
Then a 3rd identical box appears.
Click "OK" for a 3rd time.
The 3rd box disappears.
Lo, and behold! no more boxes appear ?
The behavior is the same if I connect my iPad and check whether the OS is up to date. Three more "OKs" and the boxes quit appearing.
This wonderful behavior appeared with the very 1st version of the Monterey OS, and continues to this day.
Anyone else have this neat Apple OS feature?
Sorry - it's annoying. I'd like to see it gone.
Connect iPhone (OS version 15.2.1, latest as of today) to Mac Pro 7.1 (OS version 12.1, latest version as of today).
Start Finder and sync the iPhone to the Mac Pro.
Click on "Check for Update" button.
When the OS version check is completed, a box titled "This version of the iPhone software..." appears.
Click "OK."
The box disappears as intended.
Then another identical box appears.
Click "OK" again.
The 2nd box disappears as intended, I suppose.
Then a 3rd identical box appears.
Click "OK" for a 3rd time.
The 3rd box disappears.
Lo, and behold! no more boxes appear ?
The behavior is the same if I connect my iPad and check whether the OS is up to date. Three more "OKs" and the boxes quit appearing.
This wonderful behavior appeared with the very 1st version of the Monterey OS, and continues to this day.
Anyone else have this neat Apple OS feature?
Sorry - it's annoying. I'd like to see it gone.