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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 3, 2017
I've seen a few threads about going from smaller iphone sizes to the big boys but I'm actually considering the opposite. I've been getting plus and pro max size phones since they started being offered during the iphone 6 era however since the iphone 12 pro max the weight and flat edges just make the phone more difficult to use.
I was able to make the 12 pro max work by getting a soft leather case so the flat edges wouldnt dig into my skin. 13 pro max same thing but the weight is also becoming an issue. With the 14 pro max I will again have to use a case even though I dont like to and the weight is increasing yet again.
Conversely as everyone knows going to a pro size phone means less screen size and less battery.
For anyone who has gone from plus/pro max sizes to regular pro sizes can you please share your experiences? Did you end up going back or were you able to live with the change?
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I personally could not do it. The larger screen is simply too useful for me and what I use the phone for, and the weight and ergonomics of the phone don't bother me at all. But since they DO bother you, that's a major difference between us that makes this a negotiable for you and a non-negotiable for me.
After 4 Plus/Max phones over the years I went back to a regular size with the iPhone 12 but I'm going back to Pro Max this year because I miss the bigger screen.

I will probably sometimes miss the smaller form factor but that's life, everything has pros and cons.
While not the Pro Max to Pro specifically. I went from a Pixel XL to Pixel 3. Which was a significant size drop. I couldn't have been happier.

I bought the Pixel XL after seeing friends at a wedding with large phones and being seduced by the screen size. I thought I'd get used to it but never did. While the screen width was nice to look at. It was uncomfortable in my pocket. Difficult to use one handed. I generally hated the experience.

For me something around the size of an iPhone XS or Pixel 3 is perfect. Everything else is too big to hold in my hand comfortably or sit in my pocket comfortably.

If you have no physical complaints. You probably won't like the size drop. If you are frequently frustrated by the downsides of a large phone. You'll love it.
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Not a chance going back to a normal pro version feels small watching videos like Netflix and Disney plus is a dream on the max models and the battery life last me all day....
I went from a regular pro, back to a pro max last year.

This year I have considered going back down to the regular pro.

But the more I think about it, the more I’m certain I will regret it. The screen is honestly so nice on the max, and the battery on the max is world class. The regular pro has a great battery too, but the max is better without question.
I never watch long content on my phone so I’m planning to downsize from Pro Max to Pro this year. I’m missing the form factor of a phone I can grip easier. Plus worth nothing that today’s Pro screen is not much smaller than the MaX screens of a couple years ago. They’ve crept up.

Edit: upgrade time and for 15, I’m going back to Pro Max. I miss the battery despite preferring the regular Pro for size.
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im on the fence about this. ive had every plus/max phone since the iPhone 6, with the exception of the iPhone X which was a great size to me. I’m greatly drawn to the 14 Pro. I use my phone a lot, but I feel like the one handed use of the regular pro would be a lovely adjustment.

I’m not too concerned about battery life as I feel like my current 13 Pro Max doesn’t last as long as it seems.
Went from 12PM to 13 Pro.. Going back to the PM with the 14. Bigger screen is nicer, but the longer battery life is what I missed.
I’m switching from 13PM to 14 Pro. Last 3 phones have been the plus/pro max size. I spent an hour with my wife’s 12 Pro this week and I really enjoy the size. I do love the big screen but often found the big phone difficult to use one handed.
In the flurry of ordering last year, I mistakenly go the 13 Pro and didn’t even realize it until I opened up the VZW box and saw the smaller phone. Rather than deal with swapping it out for a 13 Pro Max I decided to give the smaller Pro size a try for the year since I had the Plus/Pro Max size since they started making them. It took a few days to adjust to the smaller screen size but to be honest I haven’t found myself missing the screen that much at all. However, I would say the most noticeable change was the shorter battery life. Mind you it isn’t dreadful but it is less at the end of the day.

All that being said, I’ll be going back to the 14 Pro Max this year. :)
I have had every plus phone since the six, but then went down to the 13pro because the big phones were simply getting uncomfortable to lug around. I did miss the screen size, but I really missed the battery life. The Max phones are beasts and I love the fact that I do not have to worry about charging or conserving battery with them. That all being said, I am going to try the 14PM this round.
Yes, I did. I don’t miss the Pro Max at all. I felt it was too much and too awkward. I normally keep my iPhones for two years, but the 12 Pro Max was one and out for me. The larger screen was nice, just not THAT nice. If I ever get around to missing it, I’ll just get an iPad mini. It’s not that much larger.
I went from an iPhone 6 Plus to a 7. The size factor was a real difference for me. I like one handed phone usage, and with the 6 Plus, it already felt too big. Can’t imagine life with a Pro Max- getting a 14 pro this year.
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I was dead set on the Pro Max but I'm second guessing myself now...

Coming from a 7 Plus 🥺, I remember first holding the 12PM and immediately thinking "this is too big and heavy". I've not been able to use any OLED iphone so far due to PWM sensitivity, so I would take any new phone that works for me.

The 14 Pro would make more sense for me due to the weight as I'm a one hand user, but the Pro always feels top heavy while the Max has better weight distribution. 🤷‍♂️

I do prefer the width for text with the largest iPhones though. Ugh...
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Yeah I’m going to 14 Pro from 12 Pro max. So tired after two years of the size and the weight. With a new born this year I’m sure the smaller size will help with one hand usage.
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I was dead set on the Pro Max but I'm second guessing myself now...

Coming from a 7 Plus 🥺, I remember first holding the 12PM and immediately thinking "this is too big and heavy". ...
same here, I still have a 7Plus and was originally set on getting a Pro Max when the time came

but a week or so ago I started to reconsider... there've been many times with my 7P that I've wished it was smaller, lighter, easier to pocket, etc. I have an iPad Air4 so that satisfies the need for bigger screen when I'm at home. I've looked at both 13Pro and 13Pro Max beside my 7P, and am satisfied with the Pro screen real estate ( which is >7P's ) in a slightly smaller package

so today I ordered a 14 Pro
Going from the Pro - Pro Max has resulted in me getting rid of my iPad. So, the max now serves a dual purpose ( besides the amazing battery, and larger screen ) and works perfectly for my use case.

No way am I downgrading the size!

Heck, I'd jump on the iPad mini if Apple every gave it phone functionality!!
I’ve got the 13PM and when it came time to order a 14 I’ve gone for Pro. I did think long and hard about it, sure I can watch Netflix etc on my 13PM but guess what, I never have. So I’m hoping the Pro does everything I want in a slightly smaller size.

Note: I did start out with a 13 Pro that lasted about a week 😄
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