I pretty much like the idea. Slide up to enable camera and earpiece.
I pretty much like the idea. Slide up to enable camera and earpiece.
There's been developments with sensors under the screen, including camera's, that I think are the future.
What would be really cool is if they could develop OLEDs whose pixels could be made to go clear over the lens(es) during shutter operation in selfie mode.
I remember back in the day when having a notch was something to look down on a phone about. How Apple convinced people it was cool escapes me, but I'll wait to buy a new phone until it disappears. Ugh.
Side note: Never have seen this guy before, but his review style in this video appeals to me. I may have to watch for more...
He's extremely biased against Apple and will take any opportunity to rag on iPhones while trying to convince people that $300 Android phones are the way to roll.