Her previous phones were an s7 and an s8
Mine were OnePlus 3, Moto z play, s7e and finally s8+
We’re big Samsung fans. I’ve owned every galaxy phone besides the s5. I was thinking about getting a note 8 this year, but T-Mobile has a bogo sale on the s8/+, so I picked them up. Bogo on the note 8 wouldn’t help me, since it’s way too large for my wife.
So far we are absolutely loving the Apple life. I got us series 3 watches with cellular. I realize now that cellular is not really useful for us, so I’m going to potentially cancel that service. Everything else is a dream. I’m already looking to replace my windows 10 pc with a MacBook Pro.
I’ve had a week to use my 8 plus and my wife’s x. We both have the perfect phone for us. The x is much flashier, but it’s too small for me and I like the home button. The 8 plus may look old and dated, but considering I’ve never had an iPhone it’s new enough to me. I’ll probably consider an x plus next year, but the x should last my wife for a few years.
Android definitely has some advantages over apple, but I really don’t feel like I’m missing out. Hardware wise, I still think Samsung makes the best phone. Between the s8, s8+ and note 8, there’s a phone for everyone. Samsung has really optimized their software, but after using the iPhone for a week I am seeing a lot more stutter than I ever did on my s8+. I actually sold it last night, so this is the first time since the original galaxy that I haven’t had at least 1 Samsung phone at home. I do feel the s8+ is the best phone of the year, but I’m liking my 8 plus more if that makes sense.
My wife is a power user, but the x battery is more than sufficient. She tops it off periodically to avoid the painfully long charge times. A fast charger is an option, but so far she hasn’t needed one. Battery life for me lasts several days, so I can’t complain. My s8+ gets better battery life while in use due to the amoled screen and snapdragon 835, but from morning to bedtime I routinely end the day with more battery in my 8 plus than I did with the s8+. Standby drain is obviously very impressive with the iPhones.
I’m not sure how ideal the iPhone is for a power user, but it’s perfect for me as a casual user. The battery efficiency is excellent, but the capacity is small on every iPhone and laughably small on the smaller phones. If all phones had the same battery as iPhones, Apple would win every battery life test. As it is, android is still the way to go for power users. You can always get a battery pack or portable charger, but if you want to be on your phone all day long, the iPhone is lacking in a way. I was sick a few months ago and was on my Moto z play for over 4 hours straight, following an AMA. In those 4 hours, I lost only 24%. I could routinely get 10h sot over a 72h period. Perfect balance. The 8 plus is not lacking at all, and it’s actually better than most androids when you consider a regular 16h day where you aren’t on the phone constantly. I’m finding my iPhone to be way more predictable than any phone before it.
All in all, the iPhone 8 plus is my phone of the year. My wife says her x is the best phone she’s ever had, and she hasn’t been this blown away since the galaxy s4. We are Apple for life now. At least until the note 9 drops next year lol. Giving up my Apple Watch will probably be the reason I never leave Apple.
Mine were OnePlus 3, Moto z play, s7e and finally s8+
We’re big Samsung fans. I’ve owned every galaxy phone besides the s5. I was thinking about getting a note 8 this year, but T-Mobile has a bogo sale on the s8/+, so I picked them up. Bogo on the note 8 wouldn’t help me, since it’s way too large for my wife.
So far we are absolutely loving the Apple life. I got us series 3 watches with cellular. I realize now that cellular is not really useful for us, so I’m going to potentially cancel that service. Everything else is a dream. I’m already looking to replace my windows 10 pc with a MacBook Pro.
I’ve had a week to use my 8 plus and my wife’s x. We both have the perfect phone for us. The x is much flashier, but it’s too small for me and I like the home button. The 8 plus may look old and dated, but considering I’ve never had an iPhone it’s new enough to me. I’ll probably consider an x plus next year, but the x should last my wife for a few years.
Android definitely has some advantages over apple, but I really don’t feel like I’m missing out. Hardware wise, I still think Samsung makes the best phone. Between the s8, s8+ and note 8, there’s a phone for everyone. Samsung has really optimized their software, but after using the iPhone for a week I am seeing a lot more stutter than I ever did on my s8+. I actually sold it last night, so this is the first time since the original galaxy that I haven’t had at least 1 Samsung phone at home. I do feel the s8+ is the best phone of the year, but I’m liking my 8 plus more if that makes sense.
My wife is a power user, but the x battery is more than sufficient. She tops it off periodically to avoid the painfully long charge times. A fast charger is an option, but so far she hasn’t needed one. Battery life for me lasts several days, so I can’t complain. My s8+ gets better battery life while in use due to the amoled screen and snapdragon 835, but from morning to bedtime I routinely end the day with more battery in my 8 plus than I did with the s8+. Standby drain is obviously very impressive with the iPhones.
I’m not sure how ideal the iPhone is for a power user, but it’s perfect for me as a casual user. The battery efficiency is excellent, but the capacity is small on every iPhone and laughably small on the smaller phones. If all phones had the same battery as iPhones, Apple would win every battery life test. As it is, android is still the way to go for power users. You can always get a battery pack or portable charger, but if you want to be on your phone all day long, the iPhone is lacking in a way. I was sick a few months ago and was on my Moto z play for over 4 hours straight, following an AMA. In those 4 hours, I lost only 24%. I could routinely get 10h sot over a 72h period. Perfect balance. The 8 plus is not lacking at all, and it’s actually better than most androids when you consider a regular 16h day where you aren’t on the phone constantly. I’m finding my iPhone to be way more predictable than any phone before it.
All in all, the iPhone 8 plus is my phone of the year. My wife says her x is the best phone she’s ever had, and she hasn’t been this blown away since the galaxy s4. We are Apple for life now. At least until the note 9 drops next year lol. Giving up my Apple Watch will probably be the reason I never leave Apple.