OK, yes I have ..and am currently searching other places.
Found a thread here comparing 4870 to a 5770..but no info on flashing hat I have yet found.
I have a 2008 Mac pro 8 Core Xeon 3.0Ghz, with a pair of ATI 2600's and want to upgrade..but at moment..not worked for 6 moths due broken arm..so no cash.
But I do have these two cards sitting here:
GT8800...blue PCB not compatible
HD 4870..pic attached..is this compatible
have seen one thread about flashing these same named but different looking cards..but doing it on the Mac.
Since I the Mac is a home machine..and the GF uses it I don't want to risk doing anything wrong on the mac..and screwing it up..the current cards anyway..so
Anyone got any advice / links for doing this flash on a PC?
i did read about flashing GT8800's on PC via dos, I have plenty of spare pc's around
Thanks guys
Found a thread here comparing 4870 to a 5770..but no info on flashing hat I have yet found.
I have a 2008 Mac pro 8 Core Xeon 3.0Ghz, with a pair of ATI 2600's and want to upgrade..but at moment..not worked for 6 moths due broken arm..so no cash.
But I do have these two cards sitting here:
GT8800...blue PCB not compatible
HD 4870..pic attached..is this compatible
have seen one thread about flashing these same named but different looking cards..but doing it on the Mac.
Since I the Mac is a home machine..and the GF uses it I don't want to risk doing anything wrong on the mac..and screwing it up..the current cards anyway..so
Anyone got any advice / links for doing this flash on a PC?
i did read about flashing GT8800's on PC via dos, I have plenty of spare pc's around
Thanks guys