Is there any way to setup a focus mode where by during off-work hours, certain email accounts setup in Mail are no longer checked for new emails and all business contacts are excluded from incoming iMessages etc? I'm trying to setup a very distinct Work & Personal model where during off work hours, I only want to hear from friends/family and only emails coming in through my personal email account should pop-up.
What's making matters worse recently is that more and more clients are starting to text me as a way of communicating instead of email. When on holidays/vacation, it's a bit annoying to even have to acknowledge a work related text as it removes you from that "disconnect" state and back into work mode.
I'm really hoping to find a solution to this as I'm a big believer that we all deserve to have completely disconnected times where we aren't dealing with business/work.
What's making matters worse recently is that more and more clients are starting to text me as a way of communicating instead of email. When on holidays/vacation, it's a bit annoying to even have to acknowledge a work related text as it removes you from that "disconnect" state and back into work mode.
I'm really hoping to find a solution to this as I'm a big believer that we all deserve to have completely disconnected times where we aren't dealing with business/work.