It's a 'great' looking/performing crease? Or, the crease is so subtle you can hardly see it? Does 'great' mean 'not visible'?
Is having a crease a reason to buy a foldable? Or is the objective in your opinion to make the crease look like it's not even there? If it doesn't have a crease does that mean you won't buy it?
I'm just curious, because the very existence of a crease would be a deal killer for me (if I were in to foldables to begin with), no matter how 'great' it looks or is. I don't want a crease - great or not.
I'm sorry, I know this all sounds pedantic, but my thoughts as to why Apple hasn't released a foldable (should they actually be working on one) is because they can't yet eliminate the crease. And if Apple eliminates the crease, does that then make the crease 'great'?
Guess I'm just trying to find out what you mean by 'great'.