It’s not just Samsung though is it, every other tech company has released their own version. Apple is the last one yet to do so, but they will very soon whether people like foldables or not.
And just like when Apple clung to 3.5" and then 4" as "perfect screen sizes" before going phablet too, as soon as Apple rolls out
their Fold, "we" will suddenly see many use cases and plenty of problems solved by the Apple solution. "We" just can't see any of that- or pretend "we" can't- while Apple has no Fold for sale. Again, see pre-phablet sentiment (keyword "Abominations") and then the rain of "shut up and take my money" and "how did we ever get by with those 'puny' screens?" that hit upon launch. What's in your pocket now?
Same story every time. NFC before ApplePay: "gimmick", "my plastic already works just fine everywhere", etc. Post Apple Pay: calls to boycott stores that won't let people pay with Apple Pay.
I suspect an Apple Fold that basically delivers BOTH an iPhone and small iPad in ONE device (to carry) instead of 2 will be a huge success for Apple. Why? Just about all apps are better on a bigger screen... but pocket-ability is a great benefit too. Evidence: people carrying both an iPhone and an iPad now when both run all of the same apps. If one device can scratch both itches, that's a lot less to carry and a lot more (utility) to pocket.
Personally, I opt for bigger screen > pocket-ability by using
ONLY a cellular iPad Mini with Buds & VOIP app to double as my "phone" too. The one BIG thing I wish it had that iPhone has
is pocket-ability. If it could fold/roll down, I'd see it as a
perfect mobile device.