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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 14, 2008
Arizona, USA
I want to have the font size in Finder windows in 14 pt and not in the default 12 pt. I changed the font size to 14 pt in many windows in the view options and clicked always also the "Use as Defaults" button. However, the default seems to be still 12 pt in most windows.

Is it possible to change the font size for all windows so that also windows that I open for the first time after that have the changed font size? How would I have to do that?

Use as Default only works in windows that have not been modified in some way by the user. For those windows, you have to set what you want manually.

Any folder that hasn't been changed will be affected by Use As Default invoked at a higher level.

To get all folders in one fell swoop set the same, you have to do that immediately when you first get a new Mac.
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Reactions: desertman
Thanks. Good to know.

Is there possibly a terminal command to change the font size in a given Finder window? I would find that easier that to go through the view options.
You can always start fresh by deleting the .DS_Store files as they keep information about placement and size and all.
I'm not certain if deleting the would help sort it all out. Finder will forget most settings but not some.
defaults delete
To reset the view for a particular window: hold down the option key and press “Restore to Defaults” in the view options panel.

There is one way to do a complete reset (be careful not to mistype this and make sure that you have a backup):
find ~ -name .DS_Store -print -delete 2>/dev/null

Then relaunch Finder by holding down the option key and right-clicking on the Finder icon in the Dock.
"To reset the view for a particular window: hold down the option key and press “Restore to Defaults” in the view options panel."

That works very well and is easy to do. Thanks for the tip!
Now if I can just remember that Option key trick to give better advice in the future...

There are so many "hidden" ways to do things. I wonder how users find them.
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