I won’t say I like the Notch, but it doesn’t bother me.No problem for me. I actually like the notch. It will soon become iconic just like the classic home button. I think it gives character to the iPhone.
No screenshots show the notch.
Screen shots may not show the notch but my screen shot is an actual depiction of how my phone looks. The Notch becomes invisible.
Here you go. The picture isn't the best I took it with a cheap Android phone. LMAO.I hear ya, just think a picture would have shown it better. Good idea though for those interested.
I feel like those who don’t like faceid tend to not like the notch. I’m a big fan of it after being skeptical from the tried and true touchid. But I love it so the notch doesn’t bother me a bit only time I notice is when I look at it to log in to my phone or an app.