I work out about 2 hours a day, 6 days a week, but don’t use it for that ironically. I lift weights a lot, and use gloves with wrist straps so the watch would be useless as I’d have to attach it higher on the arm rather than the wrist. I used to be a certified trainer and while I don’t compete, would consider myself an amateur bodybuilder. So I don’t need a phone, a pen or paper, nothing, for my workouts. My memory is all I need to lift, swim, bike, etc. when you work out a lot, you don’t need electronic anything and for me that aspect is mostly Apple marketing. I think the health stuff on the watch as it pertains to workouts is for people who don’t workout or who have a hard time getting motivated to do so. Maybe using an electronic doomdad gets them to do something so for that I think it’s a good idea. There are clocks on the wall at my gym that I use for timing between sets. When I swim, same, clock on the wall in front of the Olympic pool.
I use the watch for all alerts so I don’t have to to touch the phone unless I want to take a call. I have a professional job so I can just put the phone in my drawer and look attentive. I use for a watch primarily. I own/owned multiple watches and I had two go bad at the same time. Tired of going to my jeweler to replace batteries every year and not wanting to replace two broken watches I broke down and bought a series 2. At home it is nice when relaxing or doing household chores. I can take a call, read a text, etc. I also quite like it in the car when using navigation/Apple car play because I get haptic feedback or whatever it’s called (vibration) when a turn is approaching. It allows me to focus on the road, and not need to look at the headunit. In the car I’m an eyes on the road at all times person. I don’t like touching a phone in the car, and the watch allows me to skip the headunit too. I talk to Siri to change music stations.
So for me a watch primarily. I am hoping with mor real estate on the S4, I’ll use it more and use my phone even less. I’ve always worn a watch, always, and the Apple Watch has more functionality. I like being able to change watch faces. Can’t do that with traditional watches although I still keep and maintain a nice Tissot and a Casion Rangeman for severe outdoor stuff. Seeing weather at a glance is nice as well. During meetings if I get a notification it vibrates and I can check it without the distraction of pulling out my phone. I am looking forward to using the S4 more at home for phone calls with the better mic placement and better speakers. My S2, call quality or volume is rather poor and I often have to raise the watch closer to my ear or repeat myself. And I like that my S2 is worth something on trade in. Most stuff like this, after a year or two, might as well drop it off st the electronics recycling.
Lastly the EKG. That’s a health benefit I cannot ignore once they have it running. The fact that’s its FDA approved means possible health insurance benefits.