Hi there,
I need some help to delete a stubborn EFI. But first some informations.
I use a MacBookAir6,2 with the newest OS X 10.11.1 and I am trying for
days now to delete an EFI Partition on an SD Card. I want to use it in my
Raspberry Pi with OSMC. However the OSMC installer don't see the SD Card
and I think it is because of the EFI Partition.
So I want to delete it. There are no files to backup.
Unfortunately diskutil doesn't help at all. Delete don't change anything on the
SD Card. And all over that the command:
defaults write com.apple.DiskUtility DUDebugMenuEnabled
don't show the Debug Mode in diskutil.
So I googled my issue and found the gpt terminal command. Also it doesn't help.
The command works fine at first.
No errors. However when I use diskutil list the partition is not deleted.
I am helpless. Do you have some ideas I could try to delete this stubborn EFI partition?
Thanks for you help.
Greets Xargon
I need some help to delete a stubborn EFI. But first some informations.
I use a MacBookAir6,2 with the newest OS X 10.11.1 and I am trying for
days now to delete an EFI Partition on an SD Card. I want to use it in my
Raspberry Pi with OSMC. However the OSMC installer don't see the SD Card
and I think it is because of the EFI Partition.
So I want to delete it. There are no files to backup.
Unfortunately diskutil doesn't help at all. Delete don't change anything on the
SD Card. And all over that the command:
defaults write com.apple.DiskUtility DUDebugMenuEnabled
don't show the Debug Mode in diskutil.
So I googled my issue and found the gpt terminal command. Also it doesn't help.
The command works fine at first.
No errors. However when I use diskutil list the partition is not deleted.
I am helpless. Do you have some ideas I could try to delete this stubborn EFI partition?
Thanks for you help.
Greets Xargon