Does anybody know a way to get (force) iOS to reindex Spotlight like on OS X? I know that restoring from a backup after a restore will do that, but i'm looking for any way to do it that will avoid me having to restore.
Somewhere I have read, that spotlight after some period reindexes itself
Perhaps a slightly more involved (as in repetitive) similar method mentioned at might work for you?
Do you remember where you read that by chance? the reason i ask is because "ghost" messages from and that have been deleted will still show up in Spotlight and then you tap them, it just takes you to the app but just the default view you get when you open it normally. it's happened for years and i've seen messages almost a year old still show up
apple/system preferences/spotlight/privacy/+(yr entire mac hard disk)
close the preference (meaning: instruct the system to not index your hard disk)
apple/system preferences/spotlight/privacy/ - (yr entire mac hard disk)
(meaning: delete the above instruction to not index)
you can check if it is reindexing by: command+space bar then type a word and see it is finding it. in a minute or so there will appear a progress bar to indicate it is reindexing. a 500 GB SSD takes about 3 hours to reindex if it is about 60% full.