I'm just not as techi as I'd like to be. I wasn't sure what format to use or the "scheme". I don't have high expectations of speed as I'm just going to use it as my file location. These are my screen options. Funny also, that the SSD identifies as ASMT media and not Samsung? Any help is appreciated.Maybe I am not clear but Disk Utility is where you format the drive. I have 4 external SSD drives hooked up to my. 2018 MM. One is for Time Machine, One is for CCC, both formatted APSF encrypted. A Samsung T5 formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled) and the 4th is Crucial X8 formatted APFS encrypted.
I think I was not having success with speed using APFS format on the T5 and that is why I went Extended Journaled?
Yes, if you are worried about personal information or theft you can use APFS encrypted, it makes you put a password in to have access. You only have to do it once and keychain will remember it, but if it goes to another system you will need it. Personal choiceOK, so just to confirm: Format should be APFS and Scheme should be GUID Partition Map? Really appreciate the help.