I ignored Politics sub forum in settings but discussions from it still show up in 'Latest Replies' at the left hand side of main Forum listing. Very distracting!
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I ignored Politics sub forum in settings but replies to topics in it still show up in 'Latest Replies' at the left hand side of main Forum listing. Very distracting!
I ignored Politics sub forum in settings but replies to topics in it still show up in 'Latest Replies' at the left hand side of main Forum listing. Very distracting!
Yeah... same here and there is no way around it that I know of.
I usually just browse the 'Trending Threads' tab.Easiest way to "negate" this is to just use the "New Posts" tab. I do wish there was a way those replies never showed up for those of us that ignore it though. I don't like seeing that garbage.
Yeah, I was surprised to find it here. My other forum has a strict policy against discussions involving Religion/Politics. But at least there is a 'Ignore Forum' feature here, which I didn't even know existed until a couple of days ago.Personally, I fail to see the need for stuff like PRSI here... what has that to do with the Apple-centric theme of the MacRumors site? There are plenty of other fora where vitriolic discussion of "he said, she said" political discussion can be had... for the most part I am able to simply ignore that whole area... but as the OP stated, there are some things that one simply cannot escape.
Personally, I fail to see the need for stuff like PRSI here... what has that to do with the Apple-centric theme of the MacRumors site? There are plenty of other fora where vitriolic discussion of "he said, she said" political discussion can be had... for the most part I am able to simply ignore that whole area... but as the OP stated, there are some things that one simply cannot escape.
// ==UserScript==
// @name MacRumors - Hide Ignored Forums in Latest Replies in Sidebar
// @namespace mr.ShinyDren
// @version 0.3
// @description Hide posts in Latest Replies in sidebar if they are in a node being ignored via site account settings.
// @author ShinyDren
// @match https://forums.macrumors.com/
// @match https://forums.macrumors.com/account/ignored-forums
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// localStorage is assumed
var ignoredNodeRegex = /-47$/i; // fallback value
var numHidden = 0;
function copyIgnoredToLocalstorage() {
if ( localStorage.getItem("_mod_sd_siteIgnoreForums") === null ) { // See if the localStorage item exists, display info message if not (only show message once).
alert("Congratulations, it appears this is the first time running this script on the \"Forums You Ignore\" settings page.\n\nAny forums you select to ignore here will also be used to hide posts in the sidebar on the front page of the forums.");
var regexList = '';
var checkedItems = document.querySelectorAll("ul.ignoredNodeList li input:checked"); // Get all matches.
for (i = 0; i < checkedItems.length; i++) {
var myValue = checkedItems[i].getAttribute("value");
if ( i > 0 ) {
regexList = regexList + "|";
regexList = regexList + "-" + myValue + "$";
localStorage.setItem("_mod_sd_siteIgnoreForums", regexList);
function checkReplies() { // Called once at page load.
var theReplies = document.querySelectorAll(".sidebar .widget .avatarList li"); // Get all matches.
if ( localStorage.getItem("_mod_sd_siteIgnoreForums") !== null ) { // If the ignoreForums value has been set use it instead of the fallback value.
ignoredNodeRegex = new RegExp(localStorage.getItem("_mod_sd_siteIgnoreForums"), 'i');
for (i = 0; i < theReplies.length; i++) {
if ( ignoredNodeRegex.test(theReplies[i].classList.item(1)) ) { // Contains the text.
theReplies[i].style.display = "none"; // Hide the reply.
if ( numHidden > 0 ) {
var myNode = document.createElement("LI");
var myTextnode = document.createTextNode(numHidden + " replies hidden per your request");
myNode.className = "userTitle"; // match other text
myNode.style.padding = "10px 0 0 15px"; // adjust spacing
var myLoc = location.pathname;
//alert(myLoc); // for testing
if ( myLoc == "/account/ignored-forums" ) { // Get ignored items from page
if ( myLoc == "/" ) { // Check/Hide replies