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macrumors 65816
Oct 12, 2009
I was just in France recently and I was more worried about getting mugged than the iPhone 12. Although if the above is true and I did get mugged I would of had the last laugh as the mugger would of had slow painful death by the sounds of it lol


macrumors 68020
Aug 24, 2012


macrumors 68000
Jul 18, 2010
Good for France and the EU!

Glad to see some governments and regulators are now taking this threat seriously. One thing we've learned over the decades is that government safety thresholds are typically set too high — often due to lobbying by corporate interests — and, over time, as scientists discover that there are cancerous effects at even lower levels, the thresholds are reduced.

In other words, just because a cell phone's radiation is less than a current threshold doesn’t mean it's safe. In this case, they've found the iPhone 12's radiation is higher than a likely too high standard. That's concerning.

I took a gander at the WHO site linked to in the article — and its supposedly glowing, cell phones are safe conclusion. Major problems.

1. The report is from 2014! It's nearly a decade old—quite outdated.

2. One of the top key facts highlighted — in bold — at the top of the report was this:
  • The electromagnetic fields produced by mobile phones are classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as possibly carcinogenic to humans.
So, even back then, there was a recognition that negative health effects were an issue.

3. WHO planned a follow-up report for 2016. Where is that and why wasn't it the one being reported on?

4. The CDC reports

”Some organizations recommend caution in cell phone use. More research is needed before we know if using cell phones causes health effects.”​

5. Some public health experts are warning of the dangers.

See Moskowitz: Cellphone radiation is harmful, but few want to believe it​

6. In the U.S., it's not the FDA that sets the radiation levels or limits but the incredibly politicized FCC.

In 2020, the FDA reported favorably yet with the usual hedges:

“To date, there is no consistent or credible scientific evidence of health problems caused by the exposure to radio frequency energy emitted by cell phones (see Review of Published Literature between 2008 and 2018 of Relevance to Radiofrequency Radiation and Cancer)”​

That, too, however, is based on outdated research — 2008-2018.

Cell phone use has skyrocketed in recent years — with people spending more hours with them — meaning the radiation impact is now more severe and not captured by older studies. We also know that cancerous effects can take decades to manifest themselves.

Thus, it is far too early to be dismissive of the potentially serious effects of cellphone use or to take a head-in-the-sand Alfred E. Neuman stance on this,

”What, Me Worry?”


macrumors 68020
Sep 26, 2007
Oh dear, my son has a 12 Mini and my wife a 12.... I don't like to hear this kind of thing.
Indeed they wants this. Retiring all iPhone 12 models are impossible. Do you really believe this non sense? Cmon
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macrumors 68020
Sep 26, 2007
Do your homework before saying this BS on such a controversial topic.
At launch the emission was under 4W/kg, it was increased over time to reach now 5.7W/kg via software updates. This is why it was spotted 3 years later. ANFR is a serious institution in France, you simply can't sell the phone here as a big manufacturer if they did not check your emissions before launch. Apple is no exception.
How? How a software update can make this value higher? Only explanation is to boost reception, 5G speed. This sounds like wanted panic
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macrumors 6502
Jun 25, 2016
How? How a software update can make this value higher? Only explanation is to boost reception, 5G speed. This sounds like wanted panic
It's all about how loud the radios inside are screaming. They can dial that up and down through software. It's important to mention that these SAR values reflect edge case scenarios like the phone's radios screaming at max while searching for reception in an area where there's none, while at the same time bluetooth wifi etc. literally every radio is at its peak. Highly unlikely you're being exposed to this amount constantly during normal use.

Europe this and that, I'm thankful to have such organs policing such things as we're still studying how RF affects us. This is a matter of health and in a world where corporations can get away with anything, as much trust as I have for Apple, this is needed.
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macrumors regular
Aug 4, 2011
Wondering what Mother Nature will say about this…

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macrumors 6502
Jun 25, 2016
Apple must find it must be a PITA to deal with some of these Euro countries. Apple does their compliance and suddenly one country says "You must be more compliant". How exhausting.
We have to take caution with how the test was conducted as it could be a false finding, but in this case it looks like they haven't been doing their compliance after launch, which gives the respective organs the right to pull the certificate you need to distribute the device. The values haven't changed on the part of the countries, it's changed after launch for the device. The US has the same thing, except it's the FCC.
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macrumors regular
Nov 10, 2017
Calling people Quacks was invented by John D Rockefeller, the man who murdered his employees at the Ludlow Massacre. He came up with this term because he wanted greater profits for his petrochemical pharmaceutical business. This required discrediting natural therapies which have been used successfully for over 5,000 years, such as in Chinese traditional medicine, or ayurvedic medicine. This was done via the Flexner report which he commissioned, as a way to legitimize destroying all institutions which did not fall in line with his dictates.
Oh no the word was used by a bad man. Plus Chinese medicine is not medicine. Sun YatSen even said it was backwards BS and it’s simply a state run scam in modern China that is used for nationalistic purposes. “Hey this grass treats Covid and cancer! Let’s go kill some endangered animals to grind their genitals up for magic powder”


Nov 3, 2014
Software upgrade to limit emissions which will decrease cellular performance (EUgo Gubberment mandate, don't cha know). Must buy new iPhone to call sweetie over the water.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 13, 2008
Oh no the word was used by a bad man. Plus Chinese medicine is not medicine. Sun YatSen even said it was backwards BS and it’s simply a state run scam in modern China that is used for nationalistic purposes. “Hey this grass treats Covid and cancer! Let’s go kill some endangered animals to grind their genitals up for magic powder”

Congratulations on employing the same cookie cutter predictable responses used by corporate news media propagandists.

"Chinese medicine is not medicine" I like how you discredit an entire system by citing a single fringe anecdote about genital magic powder. I noticed you made zero mention of ayurvedic medicine, because you know it works. You must not know about the fact what has been imported into the west as TCM is a neutered version that is missing the most important components, which is the connection to the heart and spirituality.

But it gets better, you cite a politician as your source, which I'm sure you are well aware, are literal professional liars.

You also must be unaware to the fact many of the available drugs which you so strongly believe in are synthetic derivatives of natural products. The same natural products which have been deemed unworthy by the same people you place in such high regard, such as politicians, and multi national pharmaceutical manufacturers who have paid out billions in fines and settlements for bribing doctors and falsifying clinical trial data.
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macrumors 68020
Apr 3, 2010
The French really showed them - they ban sales one day after the phone was discontinued! LOL talk about just making headlines with little substance.
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macrumors 68000
Apr 26, 2003
Tokyo, Japan
You may call me crazy but I’ve had headache from using cellular too much (when there’s no Wi-Fi). Luckily these days I’m almost always on Wi-Fi. I remember one year of radiation from Wi-Fi signal equals to like 40 mins of cellular. (Don’t quote me on that.)

As soon as Wi-Fi calling became available, I began using it by turning on airplane mode whenever I’m on Wi-Fi.

Looks like it’s not just my head going crazy.

I hate to break it to you but unless you live in the middle of nowhere your being bombarded by cellphone radiation all the time whether you use it for phone calls or not.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 5, 2015
Is it merely my well-founded paranoia bursting forth or is it a real possibility the conforming 4W/kg was sort of deliberately preset to conform but the company knew a higher 5.7W/kg could be slid in there over three years for better performance? I mean I carry my iPhone 12 in my front trousers pocket - mere inches away from ground zero.
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