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Tobias Funke

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 3, 2012
Is there anyway to have the desktop site by default?

Everytime I open on my phone it always loads mobile site.

I would like to load the desktop site without scrolling to the bottom everytime.



macrumors 68040
Apr 17, 2012
Destin, FL
Hmmm... There has to be a way. But right now responsive web sites have some bit of code that looks at the browsing device screen size reported and then chooses the best way to display the web page.

There are no common usage 'checks' currently available to let the web site know if it should display as full or as the designer intended. Well, let me clarify that, none that I know of.

Surely we could come up with something.


macrumors 68020
Jan 1, 2008
But right now responsive web sites have some bit of code that looks at the browsing device screen size reported and then chooses the best way to display the web page.

I take issue with your use of the word "best" :)

I find web sites which figure out that I am on an iPad and muck about with the display/controls annoying in the extreme. The ones that prevent me from zooming the display (so I can read it!) are immediately blacklisted.



macrumors 68040
Apr 17, 2012
Destin, FL
I take issue with your use of the word "best" :)
I completely agree. Just because you can, doesn't mean you NEED to screw with user's workflows. I have seen some horrible examples ( and created a few ) of responsive websites. I've also seen it done extremely well.
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