OLED/Face ID have moved the goal posts in terms of asking price & price differences between iPhone models. Whether Apple have been fair with today's asking prices is to be debated, but having 3 models with 3 screen sizes (not in relative order) has allowed them to convince the public that the costs are justified.
IMO, when comparing to past iPhone non-Plus & Plus releases, the inflation of the higher tier iPhone (XS/Max) cost combined with the reduction of features in the lower tier iPhone (XR) aren't justified...at this point in time. But I feel the costs of both OLED/Face ID & other current tech will decrease & we should see a return to prices similar to what we saw in the past.
For eg.
When I purchased my 6S outright, it was the XR-equivalent, price-wise. The 6S+ was ~$300-400 more iirc, yet it was still below the price of the XS/Max.
The differences between the 6S & 6S+ were minimal compared to the XR & XS/Max. The 6S was a much more capable device (versus the 6S+) & less lacking compared to the XR (when up against the XS/Max).
But the tech wasn't as new back then, so we saw an upper price tier well below of what we see now.
Apple could & should've done more to not inflate prices as they have. But they're a trillion dollar business so you've got to understand them wanting to gouge as much $$$ as they can...
But what happens 3-4 years from now - new tech will be introduced, but will that tech be as significant as the most expensive tech in iPhones today & allow Apple to retain current pricing tiers, or will the major cost components (OLED & Face ID etc.) have lowered, thereby decreasing the RRP of iPhones similar to what we had in the past?
Do people think iPhone pricing will decrease over time, remain as is, or continue to rise?
IMO, when comparing to past iPhone non-Plus & Plus releases, the inflation of the higher tier iPhone (XS/Max) cost combined with the reduction of features in the lower tier iPhone (XR) aren't justified...at this point in time. But I feel the costs of both OLED/Face ID & other current tech will decrease & we should see a return to prices similar to what we saw in the past.
For eg.
When I purchased my 6S outright, it was the XR-equivalent, price-wise. The 6S+ was ~$300-400 more iirc, yet it was still below the price of the XS/Max.
The differences between the 6S & 6S+ were minimal compared to the XR & XS/Max. The 6S was a much more capable device (versus the 6S+) & less lacking compared to the XR (when up against the XS/Max).
But the tech wasn't as new back then, so we saw an upper price tier well below of what we see now.
Apple could & should've done more to not inflate prices as they have. But they're a trillion dollar business so you've got to understand them wanting to gouge as much $$$ as they can...
But what happens 3-4 years from now - new tech will be introduced, but will that tech be as significant as the most expensive tech in iPhones today & allow Apple to retain current pricing tiers, or will the major cost components (OLED & Face ID etc.) have lowered, thereby decreasing the RRP of iPhones similar to what we had in the past?
Do people think iPhone pricing will decrease over time, remain as is, or continue to rise?