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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 6, 2017

I got one older PowerMac G5 and i want to install software on it,since it didn't come with one.
Ive tested many with USB but it gives me errors when it half done.
Which software could i install it??
As the machine is 12 years old at best, not a lot. At worst, nothing. Would be amazed if any vendors would still provide software from that long ago.

Not 100% certain whether the most recent OS it can run is 10.4 or 10.5. You would be looking at programmes that are at least 8 years old at best. It maybe a good side/hobby project to try but nothing more.
Tiger is original what it comes out with but can upgrade to Leopard 10.5.8. Tested both but they give me errors

I got one older PowerMac G5 and i want to install software on it,since it didn't come with one.
Ive tested many with USB but it gives me errors when it half done.
Which software could i install it??

A G5 will run upto Leopard - OSX 10.5.8
Both Leopard and Tiger can be found at macintoshgarden - if you stick around and search in this forum you'll soon find there's lots you can still do on that G5!
A G5 will run upto Leopard - OSX 10.5.8
Both Leopard and Tiger can be found at macintoshgarden - if you stick around and search in this forum you'll soon find there's lots you can still do on that G5!
I kept getting corrupted files from the Macintosh Garden. Not sure if it was just me, but heads up!
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Are you trying to boot from USB DVD or memory stick? If you're getting halfway the original image may be corrupt.
I kept getting corrupted files from the Macintosh Garden. Not sure if it was just me, but heads up!

I guess that's a possibility too - last time I downloaded mine was ok - I never do a checksum though.
If you have a paid Apple Developer Program account, you can legitimately download Mac OS X Leopard 10.5 (Full install) from by searching for 'Leopard' in the More Downloads section.

Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at 4.05.50 AM.png

Once you have downloaded, use Disk Utility to restore the disk image to your USB drive, then boot the G5 into Open Firmware (cmd-opt-O-F) and you should be able to boot with a command like;
boot usb1/disk:3,\\:tbxi
(Read article on USB booting)

Then browse these forums to get a multitude of apps going - i.e. The Leopard Thread. Install TenFourFox or Leopard Webkit as your web browser and you'll find the G5 can be a very capable Mac.
Ive tried Leopard and tiger from USB and with the codes etc. Still gives errors. Using TransMac to do usb stick,go to Open firmware,use "boot usb:,\\:tbxi",boots,doing format,leave it to do its thing,gives error and only option is to do restart. Might be corrupted but dunno. UltraISO shows its nicely. Only haven't done DualLayer Leopard Disc. Mayb i need model based version one???
Ive tried Leopard and tiger from USB and with the codes etc. Still gives errors. Using TransMac to do usb stick,go to Open firmware,use "boot usb:,\\:tbxi",boots,doing format,leave it to do its thing,gives error and only option is to do restart. Might be corrupted but dunno. UltraISO shows its nicely. Only haven't done DualLayer Leopard Disc. Mayb i need model based version one???

When you format the disk go into security options to zero out the drive - it will take a long time but it should isolate any bad sectors on the drive.
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Drive don't have bad sectors as ive checked on HDTune thru windows. Might be image fault or machine doesn't want to take it.
You could also try a different USB stick. I've found some USB3 thumb drives fail to boot on PowerPC Macs, where a USB 2.0 period drive will work.

Or it could be a failing hard drive in the G5? It would be good to try running the Apple Service Diagnostics disc to test the G5's RAM and logic board before installing again.

If your G5 has a long plastic antenna strip down the back and has twin Gigabit ethernet ports, then it's the late 2005 model which will use the ASD version 2.6.3 disc found here;

If it only has one Gigabit port then it will need ASD version 2.5.8 found here; 2.5.8 Dual Boot CD (2005)/ASD

Burn to disc (CD for 2.5.8, single layer DVD for 2.6.3) and boot by holding the C key then allow it to run through the OF tests. This can take some time for a G5 with more than 2GB of RAM, so just let it run through.
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Using TransMac to do usb stick ...

There's your problem.

Somehow, you need to format your USB-stick to use APT (Apple Partition Table). The stick will undoubtedly still be using MBR for its partition schema, which is fine for pretty much everything but pre-Intel Macs.
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