Hey guys, just started recording in Garage Band - the new version.
I'm having a problem, I currently have 7 tacks open. One drum track, 6 guitar and one bass. When I'm playing them back, or pressing record, they are starting to crackle upon play back - like the sound is getting scrambled! It's fine with just a few tracks but the more tracks I add the worse it gets!
If I export the track to iTunes, it plays back fine (which is good).
The problem is - I need to add a lot more tracks to finish this song but I can't really add anymore as the problem gets worse the more tracks I add!
I have a 2011 mba i5 with 4gb ram.
My recording interface is an apogee One. I've also tried a focusrite itrack solo and I have the same problem!
Does anyone know what the problem might be?
EDIT - I'm trying to continue recording now, but its pretty much impossible - the drum track I'm trying to play to is crackling so much!
I just got this error message in playback
'Error while trying to synchronize Audio and MIDI'
'Sample Rate 42820 recognized. Check conflict between GarageBand and external device'
I don't have anything MIDI running I don't think? Just my guitar into the apogee one and the drum track from garage band. I've googled the problem and other people seem to have had it, I've checked my setting is for 41khz on both the apogee and the garage band. People have said they've selected this in Logic to fix the problem
'Go to Preferences –> Midi (tab) –> Sync (sub-tab) –> Midi Sync Project Settings(bottom right corner button) –> Synchronization (tab) –> General (sub-tab) and over there enable "AUTO ENABLE EXTERNAL SYNC'
But those options aren't available in garage band!
Any ideas? I'd really appreciate your help I'm going mad!
I'm having a problem, I currently have 7 tacks open. One drum track, 6 guitar and one bass. When I'm playing them back, or pressing record, they are starting to crackle upon play back - like the sound is getting scrambled! It's fine with just a few tracks but the more tracks I add the worse it gets!
If I export the track to iTunes, it plays back fine (which is good).
The problem is - I need to add a lot more tracks to finish this song but I can't really add anymore as the problem gets worse the more tracks I add!
I have a 2011 mba i5 with 4gb ram.
My recording interface is an apogee One. I've also tried a focusrite itrack solo and I have the same problem!
Does anyone know what the problem might be?
EDIT - I'm trying to continue recording now, but its pretty much impossible - the drum track I'm trying to play to is crackling so much!
I just got this error message in playback
'Error while trying to synchronize Audio and MIDI'
'Sample Rate 42820 recognized. Check conflict between GarageBand and external device'
I don't have anything MIDI running I don't think? Just my guitar into the apogee one and the drum track from garage band. I've googled the problem and other people seem to have had it, I've checked my setting is for 41khz on both the apogee and the garage band. People have said they've selected this in Logic to fix the problem
'Go to Preferences –> Midi (tab) –> Sync (sub-tab) –> Midi Sync Project Settings(bottom right corner button) –> Synchronization (tab) –> General (sub-tab) and over there enable "AUTO ENABLE EXTERNAL SYNC'
But those options aren't available in garage band!
Any ideas? I'd really appreciate your help I'm going mad!
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