Hello all your lovely people!
First time poster here, with a problem that i am unsure if others have experienced, as i am not able to find anything regarding my specific problem online. Just dribs and drabs related to key words, but not what I am experiencing specifically.
I am unsure if i am doing something wrong? Or if i am missing something, but i have tried going though this with apple support opening a case, and they have been working on it for almost a month with no solution yet.
So i thought i would try my luck on a forum, and get a more of a public input on this, listing what i have tried, and the steps i have taken. Please read though what i have tried fully, before offering your input.
This issues relates to M2 mac mini pro.
Symptoms, gatekeeper does not work properly when running macOS Ventura 13.5.2 on an external NVME on over thunderbolt 4 / usb4 (both have been tried).
Start up security utility is set to reduced security and allow user management of kernel extensions for identified developers has been ticked.
The gatekeeper will not prompt and will not allow me to add applications I make, or others FOSS application such as veracrypt, keepassxc and other apps to have access to the kernel. A simple error is given for the app.
Note: I am running as administrator, and this has been confirmed int he startup and security utility, hence the reduced security settings and kernel extensions for identified developers being ticked.
What should happen:
On running on internal Mac ssd, with the same configuration (“reduced security” selected and “allow user management of kernel extensions for identified developers” ticked), everything works,
Gatekeeper prompts for me to allow the software to run which is expected, giving a window to asking that I open system preferences or cancel.
I select open system preferences and then select app store and identified developers > a button appears with “allow” which I select, and then the cache is rebuilt, stating “New system extensions require a restart before they can be used > I then click restart.
After reboot, all is working grate.
What I have tried on NVME to test and does not work:
TLDR: gatekeeper does not work properly when running macOS on NVME on m2 Macs. This all works fine on 2018 Macs and lower..
If willing, you can try to reproduce, the simplest way is with two apps which produce the same results:
Thunderbolt 4 / usb4 NVME drive of any size, with macOS installed.
Brew installed
From brew installed veracrypt
From brew install keepassxc
Why am I using an external NVME drive?
Well as some of you may know, cache writes are a thing on most Operating systems, especially in macOS, depending on how much ram you have, these additional writes cause wear on the internal Mac SSD and when it fails, the whole Mac fails..
Now I am using my Mac mini m2 pro for AI related projects (I am learning AI) which I am programming, so the need to extend the life of my Mac is even more important, as there are allot of writes when working with AI, so it makes sense for everything to be working on an NVME,a s when the external SSD fails, I can easily replace this quickly and easily.
Why M2 mac?
The TOP performance is better then jetson nano, and its relativly cheaper then buying a bunch of GPUS and setting up. I am still learning, so i thought that a M2 mac pro would be usful in this endevour, and i can also do my reports and the like directly from the mac.
Any helpful input regarding this is welcome.
Thank you all in advance, and sorry for the wall of text!
First time poster here, with a problem that i am unsure if others have experienced, as i am not able to find anything regarding my specific problem online. Just dribs and drabs related to key words, but not what I am experiencing specifically.
I am unsure if i am doing something wrong? Or if i am missing something, but i have tried going though this with apple support opening a case, and they have been working on it for almost a month with no solution yet.
So i thought i would try my luck on a forum, and get a more of a public input on this, listing what i have tried, and the steps i have taken. Please read though what i have tried fully, before offering your input.
This issues relates to M2 mac mini pro.
Symptoms, gatekeeper does not work properly when running macOS Ventura 13.5.2 on an external NVME on over thunderbolt 4 / usb4 (both have been tried).
Start up security utility is set to reduced security and allow user management of kernel extensions for identified developers has been ticked.
The gatekeeper will not prompt and will not allow me to add applications I make, or others FOSS application such as veracrypt, keepassxc and other apps to have access to the kernel. A simple error is given for the app.
Note: I am running as administrator, and this has been confirmed int he startup and security utility, hence the reduced security settings and kernel extensions for identified developers being ticked.
What should happen:
On running on internal Mac ssd, with the same configuration (“reduced security” selected and “allow user management of kernel extensions for identified developers” ticked), everything works,
Gatekeeper prompts for me to allow the software to run which is expected, giving a window to asking that I open system preferences or cancel.
I select open system preferences and then select app store and identified developers > a button appears with “allow” which I select, and then the cache is rebuilt, stating “New system extensions require a restart before they can be used > I then click restart.
After reboot, all is working grate.
What I have tried on NVME to test and does not work:
- Adding the app manually using the ‘spctl —add /applications/nameofapp.app’
- Disabling spctl using ‘ sudo spctl —master-disable”
- Disabling system integrity protection, using `csrutil disable.` This all fails.
- Doing this all from a thunderbolt 3 intel certified external enclosure.
TLDR: gatekeeper does not work properly when running macOS on NVME on m2 Macs. This all works fine on 2018 Macs and lower..
If willing, you can try to reproduce, the simplest way is with two apps which produce the same results:
Thunderbolt 4 / usb4 NVME drive of any size, with macOS installed.
Brew installed
From brew installed veracrypt
From brew install keepassxc
Why am I using an external NVME drive?
Well as some of you may know, cache writes are a thing on most Operating systems, especially in macOS, depending on how much ram you have, these additional writes cause wear on the internal Mac SSD and when it fails, the whole Mac fails..
Now I am using my Mac mini m2 pro for AI related projects (I am learning AI) which I am programming, so the need to extend the life of my Mac is even more important, as there are allot of writes when working with AI, so it makes sense for everything to be working on an NVME,a s when the external SSD fails, I can easily replace this quickly and easily.
Why M2 mac?
The TOP performance is better then jetson nano, and its relativly cheaper then buying a bunch of GPUS and setting up. I am still learning, so i thought that a M2 mac pro would be usful in this endevour, and i can also do my reports and the like directly from the mac.
Any helpful input regarding this is welcome.
Thank you all in advance, and sorry for the wall of text!
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