Going to wait for the upcoming update from Apple. My EERO router has full diagnostics and my hanging problem is not my internet connection. After my 2,987th restart () to clear a hung app I gave up. In the meantime I am going to let the Mac stew in its own juices. I suppose I need to completely configure this little Kamrui Ryzen 7 machine anyway. I purchased it after the Mac Studio. It has most of my amatuer radio software loaded on it after All. I have the image of my Apple as a Hippy looking across at my Redneck PC and they are trading insults. I am blowing kisses at my M4 Pro iPad this could be the best Apple purchase I have ever made. There are the endless arguments about the iPad taking the place of a Mac, well it sure it doing it for me right now.
Wow it is really strange being back on a PC.
Wow it is really strange being back on a PC.