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Feb 1, 2015
I just picked up a new M1 Macbook Air and I'm so excited to tryout all the new performance.
I love the fanless design, but whenever one picks up a new apple product there's always that period of paranoia about damaging it one day.

To help me get over this, I'd like to ask if anyone has any stories about their Macbook's durability.
IE times that it survived bumps or pressure.

I'm coming from a 2015 Macbook Air, and although it was chonkier, it gave me a bit more confidence that it can take a hit than the newer, thinner ones.
Luckily, I haven't dropped my M1 MBA or had it suffer any other accidental damage. I am being very careful with it.

It will be able to take a small ding or dent but, you probably won't fair as well having to look at such every day. lol

Enjoy your new Mac and be mindful of how you hold it and carry it and you should be fine. The biggest warning I can give is do not step over the power cord when it is connected to the Mac. Always walk around the long way when moving away from the Mac etc. That will potentially save you heartache later on. No food or drink near the Mac at any time. Observe those things and you should be good.
Luckily, I haven't dropped my M1 MBA or had it suffer any other accidental damage. I am being very careful with it.

It will be able to take a small ding or dent but, you probably won't fair as well having to look at such every day. lol

Enjoy your new Mac and be mindful of how you hold it and carry it and you should be fine. The biggest warning I can give is do not step over the power cord when it is connected to the Mac. Always walk around the long way when moving away from the Mac etc. That will potentially save you heartache later on. No food or drink near the Mac at any time. Observe those things and you should be good.
thanks, I know it's silly, but that's just the way I am.
It's so thin and I like that, but even just inserting the usb c cable I feel like I could crush it with my hands, haha.
One thing that I learned about being a technology connoisseur is that the more I take care of each one of my systems the more better off if it will be in regards of longevity. So that means I try more and more to learn how to take care of them so they won't go through dents or anything.

I had a Mid-2014 15" MBP for many years with no screen protector and cause I didn't use water or spray cleaners the screen was well clothed with no staingate issues. I knew how to take care of my machine so it was in pristine condition for so many years. You should see the buyers face when I had it up for resell. hehe
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There just isn’t much for Durability testing on Macbooks really..We see phones, and iPads getting dropped and tested. But hardly anything on a MacBook.

I would be curious.

The logic board is tiny, and they are fanless. Honestly, I think the M1 Air would surprise us all! It can probably handle some small drops, and tumbles just fine.

They are built really solid.
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Just like a phone. Put a case on and stop worrying. Only damage I have experienced, was dropping my iPad on to the my closed 11" mba. That broke the screen even with cover on, so the iPad must have hit in an unlucky way. Else dropping the mba (still my old 11") itself didn't damage it, even on hard tile floor. I haven't dropped or damaged my mba M1 yet 🤞
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I don’t see why it would be any different than your old one other than it having a glass screen that could break. Just don’t drop it. Dropping aluminum laptops is baaaad. You never know how it will land. It could get a dent that will cause it not to close anymore. Same as your old MacBook Air. Just be careful. Carry it around in a case if you’re putting it in a bag. Don’t carry it by the screen. Don’t carry by just the corner while it’s open. Keep it closed and close to your body if carrying it. Just basic stuff.

I understand your concern with not wanting to get the first little scratch on your new device. We all get this I think. 😅 But in terms of durability you’ll be fine.
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My toddler got ahold if mine recently and it's still working perfectly fine. That might not say anything about its long-term durability but a lot about its overall sturdiness and robustness.
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Structurally, it's very good. Unless if you drop it, no dents or bends. However, it scratches easily. As always, be careful with it. I wouldn't recommend cases, it kinda ruins the reason on why you got the color you wanted(unless if it's a iPhone).
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How is the USB charging port holding up on this and previous models?

The USB-C port on my Android phones is always the first thing that wears out no matter how gingerly I plug and unplug, whereas the MagSafe on my 2012 MBA is still going strong. I was hoping to hold out for the next-gen MBA later this year in case the rumors of MagSafe's return turned out to be true. But I don't think I can make it until fall because the touchpad is almost completely worn out.
I have the M1 MBA, and I've had the prior redesigned versions as well. They seem very durable, both inside and out. You can beat them up--I've seen some rough used ones for sale--but if you do even an okay job of taking care of them they'll hold up very well.

The only thing I'll say caution-wise is that the aluminum will absolutely dent if it takes a good whack, especially on the edges. If you drop it on a corner or whack it against a hard countertop or something then you'll probably see some damage. I'm very careful with my stuff, but on the second day I had my previous MBA I banged it against something and had a nice dent on the top of lid. Still worked fine, but it did bother me.

TLDR: 'Bumps and pressure' shouldn't be an issue--the machine travels well--but enough force can cause some cosmetic blemishes. Enjoy the computer, it's great!
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I feel like I see way more older Macbook Pros in use rather than Airs which may be indicative that the Pros hold up better? Think about it in most cafes etc you are bound to see some old pros hardly any old airs.
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I feel like I see way more older Macbook Pros in use rather than Airs which may be indicative that the Pros hold up better? Think about it in most cafes etc you are bound to see some old pros hardly any old airs.
Well the M1 Air has essentially made all period lower end or even mid-high end MacBooks obsolete.

The M1 Air/Pro will be the machines to last.
Well the M1 Air has essentially made all period lower end or even mid-high end MacBooks obsolete.

The M1 Air/Pro will be the machines to last.
That was where my mind is at too, personally I think there is a lot of longevity in the last generation before a complete refresh. Even with cars I like getting the last model year before a major redesign. It is this thinking that led to me getting the M1 Air in part because truthfully the so-called upcoming redesign to the air is not a redesign at all BUT simply a recoloring. Cheers to the M1 machines lasting at least 10 years.
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I've had my M1 Air for about 6 months now. Dropped it once on carpet, and bumped it on corners a couple times, but no damage so far. Still looks brand new. I'm careful, but I can also be clumsy. I take good care of my things but I also don't baby them.

My previous 11" Air that I upgraded from survived several falls (sometimes even on hard floor/tile) and only had some very mild denting at the corners. No hardware issues at all. I'd accidentally knocked it off the counter and my desk. And I once fell down the stairs with it in my hand, and landed on hard wood floor. I didn't see how it came down, but it must've bounced a few times. We both survived. I even once accidentally slammed it hard on an uneven surface and dented the bottom, but was able to smooth it out from the inside by unscrewing the bottom panel. While the aluminum is durable, it is also quite malleable.

So, I wouldn't worry. These Airs can take quite a beating and still look great.
got my mba m1 in january, about two weeks later while playing with the dog i got over rambunctious and bumped in to the tv tray the mba was sitting on, and knocked the tray over and the mba went flying, landing on the carpet. WTF? quickly picked it up, surveyed the outer shell, no dings, no signs of damage. set it back on the tray, sat flat, no wobbles, lifted the lid, back up and running, no problems. when dog plays now i move the tray out of my reach, in to "safe mode."
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I've had my M1 Air for about 6 months now. Dropped it once on carpet, and bumped it on corners a couple times, but no damage so far. Still looks brand new. I'm careful, but I can also be clumsy. I take good care of my things but I also don't baby them.

My previous 11" Air that I upgraded from survived several falls (sometimes even on hard floor/tile) and only had some very mild denting at the corners. No hardware issues at all. I'd accidentally knocked it off the counter and my desk. And I once fell down the stairs with it in my hand, and landed on hard wood floor. I didn't see how it came down, but it must've bounced a few times. We both survived. I even once accidentally slammed it hard on an uneven surface and dented the bottom, but was able to smooth it out from the inside by unscrewing the bottom panel. While the aluminum is durable, it is also quite malleable.

So, I wouldn't worry. These Airs can take quite a beating and still look great.
ow, are you ok after that fall?
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