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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 16, 2012
Ever since upgrading to Mojave last year, I have been unable to open the general prefernce pane, and gett the cryptic error message attached.

Any help?


  • bug.gif
    7 MB · Views: 704
Check here to make sure you have all the Preference Panes loaded and none are missing:

Macintosh HD/System/Library/PreferencePanes

You very likely have a corrupt or missing Preference Pane entry. And there really isn't any way to recover it except to try downloading and installing the Mojave 10.14.5 combined download from here. Hopefully that will restore/replace any missing or corrupt Preference Pane.
What @chscag said. That panel is missing several preference panes (eg. iCloud, Software Update, Apple Pay).

Did you run any program to "clean up" your system? Permissions messed up and under /System?

If the combo update does not work, might need to erase and reinstall Mojave.
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Usually with a problem where something doesn't load, the first thing to try is deleting the relevant plist file. This is the list of instructions that tells the app what to do, remembers settings etc.
When you delete the plist file, the OS makes a new one and usually that sorts out the problem.
The one you should search for is
Library is hidden by default but if you go to the Finder and then hold down the 'option' key then you'll find it will appear in the 'Go' menu.
Here's what I'd try:
No promises, but worth a try.

First, verify that your "Appearance" preference pane exists by checking here:
/System/Library/Preference Panes

Yes, I realize you are checking for "Appearance" instead of "General", but I believe that's what it's named in the folder specified.
Also, the "/" is "the top level" of the files on your boot drive as shown in the finder.

Assuming that "it's there" (it should be), just close this window and proceed to the next step:

Go to:

Locate the file named:

... and move it to the trash, BUT...

Now -- important -- shut down (all the way off)

Wait a few seconds and press the power-on button and reboot.
Get to the finder.

NOW empty the trash.

Try going to System Preferences.
Will the "General" pref pane open now...?

Why you need to reboot:
If the "general.plist" was corrupted, we wanted to move it from the place the OS "looks for it", then create a new, "clean" plist after the reboot. Then you can get rid of the old file.
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