Additionally, would they be able to get my password from within the iPad app?
(Wondering how someone gained acces)
No, there's no way to retrieve the password from either the Apple TV or the iPad. Most likely you have a weak password someone guessed, or you're using the password elsewhere and it was compromised somehow.
Most likely you have a weak password someone guessed, or you're using the password elsewhere and it was compromised somehow.
You could retrieve the Netflix password off of an iPad/iPhone if it is stored in Safari--saved passwords are revealed in Settings for Safari. But if you use a password lock, you need that to access that area of settings.
If you are in a multi-person household, make sure that you are the only one with the password to the device or app(s) in question.I know what happen.
The account wasnt logged out correctly, it hung on the "Are you sure you want to logout?" Screen even after "Yes" was clicked.
Thanks for your answer by the way.
I don't thing it's possible, but maybe I'm missing something - is there anyway to removed history from within the Netflix app, Apple TV or iPad?
Thanks again
But the password would only be stored if use it in Safari.
When you say "Safari-saved password ls" and "password lock" you mean keychiain, right?
An by "that area of settings" you mean the admin area of keychiain?