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macrumors 603
Original poster
Dec 2, 2010
Atlanta, GA
Hi all, I need a bit of advice.

I have the 42mm AW Sport (blue band) that I received on April 24th. However, since then, I've decided the SS AW is the one for me and ordered one last week (delivery window is June).

The last day to return the Sport is this Friday. Now, deep down I feel like I should just return it and be done with it.

However, I know my wife would prefer I sell the Sport to see if I can make a profit to cover at least a bit of the additional cost of the SS AW. If I do go this route, what's the best option? I've only ever sold old iPhone's on Craigslist. I don't have an eBay account or a Swappa account or anything.

Any advice?
Hi all, I need a bit of advice.

I have the 42mm AW Sport (blue band) that I received on April 24th. However, since then, I've decided the SS AW is the one for me and ordered one last week (delivery window is June).

The last day to return the Sport is this Friday. Now, deep down I feel like I should just return it and be done with it.

However, I know my wife would prefer I sell the Sport to see if I can make a profit to cover at least a bit of the additional cost of the SS AW. If I do go this route, what's the best option? I've only ever sold old iPhone's on Craigslist. I don't have an eBay account or a Swappa account or anything.

Any advice?

just return it and be done with it.


Sell it on Craigslist, just how you'd sell an iPhone and make some profit towards your SS Watch :)
Selling the AW should be easier than selling an iPhone. No cellular contracts or unlocking to deal with. You can pretty much sell it to anybody willing to buy it.
Just to update:

I sold my Apple Watch Sport last night for $640. That covers the $450 I paid for the Apple Watch Sport (and AppleCare+), as well as $190 in profit.

I already have a SS AW on order (due in 'June'), so that $190 in profit essentially covers $190 of the $260 differnece between the two. Basically, just paying $60 more for the SS AW than I did for the Sport.

I didn't do that with the intention of scamming anyone and didn't plan on selling it, but once I decided I for sure wanted the SS AW, the decision was a bit easier to make..
People with patience almost always will pay less than impulsive people, so good on ya.

Did you do CL or Swappa?

Through Craigslist. It was simple - went out to dinner with the wife and other couples from work. The guy met me outside the restaurant and we did the exchange there. Super easy and I got cash in hand.

He seems to be a gadget geek, told me he sold a moto 360 and his old phone yesterday to help fund this purchase. Was glad we both walked away happy.
I had no luck with either of my 38mm sport watches. The silver sport with blue band sold on eBay for $540 and the 38mm SG with black band sold for $520.

No one on Craigslist in my area wanted either.
I've got a 38 Sport w/blue band on eBay right now. It was ever so slightly too small for my wrist. Not a lot of action on it yet but auction ends on Sunday and eBay gets most of it's activity near tthe close of the auction. A profit would be a bonus but I'm happy if I cover my cost.
Im kinda in the same boat with you guys.

I just got my Sport 38mm SG and made up my mind of returning it, so that I can keep the SS thats on its way.

Im in Vegas so lets see if I can make some impatient person happy...
I do a lot more stuff on CL in SF than Vegas, but for some things it's still pretty active. I think you shouldn't have a problem unloading it. You could also just sit on the bench near the Apple Store in the Forum Shops with the box out, I'm sure some tourist will approach you. :D

You know that is not a bad suggestion at all.....could work at any Apple store.
Sell it and help take down the costs of your current order. The watches are selling for a decent amount on the Bay (sell locally)
I do a lot more stuff on CL in SF than Vegas, but for some things it's still pretty active. I think you shouldn't have a problem unloading it. You could also just sit on the bench near the Apple Store in the Forum Shops with the box out, I'm sure some tourist will approach you. :D

Lmao. I don't think I'm comfortable enough to sit out side of an  Store and wave my watch to potential buyers... I mean I'm almost sure some one will take it...

But I don't want to look like the people selling cold water bottles on the strip of Las Vegas haha...
Hahaha, I know what you mean. I'm just saying don't make offers to sell it, just have it out. Let people offer to buy it. My GF didn't want to look like she was hocking an iPhone so we just carried it down the line and offers came in. Probably something to do with hot sun and hours-long line. And that the plastic bags are outlawed in nearly all of the Bay Area so you have to walk around with exposed purchases.

LMAO. Mind being my partner in crime... JK
Another vote for "Put it on Craigslist". I made $150 selling my Sport on CL, even open-box and used.

That said, be careful. The best procedure, IMHO, is to meet inside a branch of your bank. They bring the cash, pair the watch to make sure, the cashier checks the bills, and you deposit the money immediately. This way, you know the money's legit, you're *not* walking out of a meeting with a known, large amount in cash on your person, and once it's done, it's done.
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