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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 5, 2018
I got a good deal on a mid 2010 ( actually 2011) 5,1 about $190.00. It has no hard drive or GPU. My question is, what is the best way to load High Sierra once I install a new hard drive and should I start out with a 5770 GPU (originally out of a 5,1)out of my 1,1? Ultimately I plan on using an RX 560 or 580 for a GPU but I think a boot screen would be helpful at first. My MBP loaded High Sierra over WiFi after repairs from it crashing but I don’t know if the 5,1 will do that even though they are the same age.
I got a good deal on a mid 2010 ( actually 2011) 5,1 about $190.00. It has no hard drive or GPU. My question is, what is the best way to load High Sierra once I install a new hard drive and should I start out with a 5770 GPU (originally out of a 5,1)out of my 1,1? Ultimately I plan on using an RX 560 or 580 for a GPU but I think a boot screen would be helpful at first. My MBP loaded High Sierra over WiFi after repairs from it crashing but I don’t know if the 5,1 will do that even though they are the same age.
You can get a flashed gpu from mavcidcards, but might be pricey. Personally I would get a gt120 off eBay and an RX580. Would be the most cost effective rout but you won’t have boot screen with the RX580. You will need both to install mojave. Look up “what you have to do to install mojave” in the forum.
Since you already have the 5770 I would use it for installation / testing and once you have everything working you can then do what bjar recommended with the purchase of a GT120.
IMO your best option is:
1 - put the 5770 in the 5,1 and install High Sierra 10.13.6, which will give you the correct firmware to install Mojave.
2 - replace the card with your mojave-friendly GPU (560 or 580).
3 - install Mojave (at this point it doesn't matter if you don't have boot screens - you will see the installation progress bar anyway)
4 - enjoy :)
Since you already have the 5770 I would use it for installation / testing and once you have everything working you can then do what bjar recommended with the purchase of a GT120.
Didn’t read first post correctly. If already have a 5770 use that. Although, once you put a RX580 in it is much easier to swap it out with a gt120 instead of a 5770 because you don’t have to mess with the power cables. I have a dual mini six pin to 8 pin so I would have to disconnect at the mobo to switch the cables. There is other setups that are easier though.
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didnt read first post correctly. If already have a 5770 use that. Although, once you put a RX580 in it is much easier to swap it out with a gt120 instead of a 5770 because you don’t have to mess with the power cables. I have a dual mini six pin to 8 pin so I would have to disconnect at the mobo to switch the cables. There is other setups that are easier though.
Which is why I stated he should follow your recommendation once he had the installation / configuration / testing completed.
Thanks for the info, I guess I’ll put the 5770 to work in the 5,1. With a new hard drive, is the best way to install High Sierra with the installer loaded onto a USB or is there a better option? When I started out with my 1,1 I had an install disk no install disk for High Sierra.
I’ve read the firmware won’t update from a usb installer but I may be incorrect. It would probably be best for you to start out with Sierra. Upgrade to high Sierra. Then upgrade to majave. But wait and see if people smarter than me answer first.
I’m probably over thinking this, I’m gonna try the command+option+R key sequence and see what happens.
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