Hello I have down loaded Git (v2.10.1) to the terminal and i followed prompt to curl the web address to access auto-complete bash but an error occurred: line 5" syntax error near unexpected token 'newline'
line 5: '<!DOCTYPE html>'.
I am following the prompt from lynda.com for my assignment. Lynda wasn't help ful nor was the git-scm website. Its not step by step for beginners
i need step by step or other alternatives such as downloading raw files but i do no know how to prompt everything all. Help would be greatly be appreciated
line 5: '<!DOCTYPE html>'.
I am following the prompt from lynda.com for my assignment. Lynda wasn't help ful nor was the git-scm website. Its not step by step for beginners
i need step by step or other alternatives such as downloading raw files but i do no know how to prompt everything all. Help would be greatly be appreciated