I love PPC Macs and it turns out that my enjoyment of these machines (although not the same) has revealed more about my technological desires than I expected; that I love analog technology.
Thanks to eyoungren, I have a floppy disk drive and a zip 250 drive (but no disks yet!). I am also using audio cassettes again and trying to get my hands on a really good VCR. I found this awesome set on Craigslist, but cannot afford it at the moment. The set includes the following:
1. Dual cassette deck
2. CD/DVD player
3. VHS player
4. Laserdisc player
And all for $95! The seller didn't accept my trade offer so I might have to offer more.
What's even more fun is that I might also be getting my hands on a CED player AND a bunch of CEDs!
Is anyone else doing this currently or considering it? I just think it's so much fun to hear the very nice slide, click, whir of all of the analog stuff. AND it's fun.
One of the secondary reasons that I am trying to get my hands on this stuff is because the most original versions of Star Wars are on either CED, VHS, or Laserdisc. I can then capture the video coming out of one of the analog devices, burn that to a DVD, and then put that burned DVD into my PS3 and capture THAT video (simply because it upscales it) and then I can have Star Wars in HD!
Ok, thanks for taking the time to read this!
Thanks to eyoungren, I have a floppy disk drive and a zip 250 drive (but no disks yet!). I am also using audio cassettes again and trying to get my hands on a really good VCR. I found this awesome set on Craigslist, but cannot afford it at the moment. The set includes the following:
1. Dual cassette deck
2. CD/DVD player
3. VHS player
4. Laserdisc player
And all for $95! The seller didn't accept my trade offer so I might have to offer more.
What's even more fun is that I might also be getting my hands on a CED player AND a bunch of CEDs!
Is anyone else doing this currently or considering it? I just think it's so much fun to hear the very nice slide, click, whir of all of the analog stuff. AND it's fun.
One of the secondary reasons that I am trying to get my hands on this stuff is because the most original versions of Star Wars are on either CED, VHS, or Laserdisc. I can then capture the video coming out of one of the analog devices, burn that to a DVD, and then put that burned DVD into my PS3 and capture THAT video (simply because it upscales it) and then I can have Star Wars in HD!
Ok, thanks for taking the time to read this!