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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 6, 2012
could this be the best color to minimize dirt and discoloration?

the silver occasionally needed the wipe.
space grey might be prone to same issue
Not sure. I've got a friend with the gold iPhone 6 and he doesn't use a case. i was just noticing this morning that the gold color actually seemed to show dirt/grime/scratches "better" than my Space Gray.

Regardless, I'm going Space Gray because it's the closest we get to black--and damn, I would love a black MacBook. Something similar to the Razer Blade laptops.
Yes the new MacBook. Not MacBook Air which the title of this thread initially was. So I thought Apple will also release the MBA in three colors as well.

What if they discontinue the Air brand all together? What if this is the new Air without the name and they just go Pro and Not Pro?
gold 12' macbook

What if they discontinue the Air brand all together? What if this is the new Air without the name and they just go Pro and Not Pro?

This is not part of the Air line so the new MacBook is not the new Air. They are not discontinuing the Air anytime soon. Maybe in three or four years but not soon as it is now considered their "budget" laptop as it is Apple's least expensive laptop.
This is not part of the Air line so the new MacBook is not the new Air. They are not discontinuing the Air anytime soon. Maybe in three or four years but not soon as it is now considered their "budget" laptop as it is Apple's least expensive laptop.

My bet is Air will be gone by end of 2016.
Gold does look really nice though, going to be a tough decision.

I'm going to do an about face here as I've dissed the gold previously but I've seen some videos and the gold does look nice. It looks flashy though and I'd be conscious about using it in public.
The only reason we didn't get macbooks in gold and space grey years ago is because the silver hides wear much better. Steve Jobs said there were plans for a black macbook air but it got scratched up too quickly for his standards in production
I like the keyboard contrast on the Gold MB the best. Possibly quicker key recognition when I'm not touch-typing.

It also looks like technology from Frank Herbert's Dune.
My bet is they will change the display of the airs in a retina display. The rMB is a (very nice designed) netbook nothing more.

Wait until the 14" rMB comes out -- more powerful processor than the 12", more ports. I think that will be the true heir to the Air (hah!)

The Air will stick around for the transition period, but by end of 2016 my gut tells me it will be phased out. There's really no need for the "Air" branding any more, as by then, even the MacBook Pros will have gone on a diet I think.
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