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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 27, 2015
I am a male and going to purchase a macbook. I want goldd but I'm not sure if it looks femenine. I'd appreciate any feedback or opinions!
No but honestly, people think it is tacky. Then again, MOST people love gold. Look on Youtube, a lot of people have the gold. More than any other color
I am a male and going to purchase a macbook. I want goldd but I'm not sure if it looks femenine. I'd appreciate any feedback or opinions!


There's your answer. And Clubber Lang beat Rocky...
know yourself
This is so true it's crazy. Though I will somewhat elaborate.

1. You gotta know what it looks like. I assume that your unsureness comes from not knowing "how gold" the gold MacBook is. Figure it out, go to your local Apple Store or Authorised Reseller and play around with it. If you can't find a gold MacBook in that Apple Store, find a gold iPhone 6 or iPad Air 2 there and imagine that gold in a 12" laptop. I can confirm for a fact that the gold in the rMB is exactly the same colour and finish as the gold iPhone 6 and iPad Air 2.

2. You gotta know how it would make you feel. If you think your environment might think less of you if you carry around a gold MacBook and you give a damn of what that environment thinks (there are people that needs to project a certain image for professional/whatever reasons, so I don't really buy the "Don't give a damn what your friends think" argument with too much conviction), then don't buy the gold because a great design in a product is meant to give you more confidence not the other way round. Me personally, chose the gold because it's the only one available anywhere where I live, plus, my friends don't even bug me about the colour as much as they bug me about having another Apple product (I'm known as the "Mac Guy" in my circle of friends). So there you go.

3. You gotta know how you use it. Which actually means realising that when you use your MacBook to write an essay, browse the internet, or write a really long post on the MacRumors forums, you'll be looking at the inner part of your MacBook which is essentially the illuminated keyboard, the metal body with the same shade as the outer part, and the screen with a black bezel around it. And bah gawd that contrast of the black keyboard and the gold body is absolutely stunning, much better than what a space gray would be, so for me it's one of the reasons I'm very happy with my purchase.

4. You gotta know that you're not setting anything in stone. Lots of sleeves and stickers are in the market so you can hide that gold, if it's a source of problems. They are not exactly expensive either, if you're willing to look.

Sorry if that seemed drawn out, English isn't my first language so I hope anyone reading would bear with me.
If you like it then you like it! So what if that colour is read as feminine by some people, or even if you yourself see it as a bit feminine? You're allowed to like feminine things, it's not like it's a pejorative term. I know a lot of people now see bright pink as no longer exclusively a "girl" thing, because bold pink t-shirts and shirts have been a thing for men for some time. I really like how that colour suits my tone, love to wear a hot pink tee from time to time especially in summer - but I don't feel the need to say well it's masculine now and that's what makes it OK... Perfectly happy to integrate a bit of femininity into my look, it sure beats being limited to only the drab colours that boys feel like they are allowed to get away with. If you like it, embrace it! If some idiot or an insecure male friend ribs you for having a "girly" computer, well, why is "girly" a bad thing anyway?? Women have been using computers just as long as men and what, they're supposed to have felt insecure all this time because computers have been "masculine" since forever? I think it's great that design is getting more flexible across taste ranges, feminine touches, masculine touches - it's all good. You don't have to answer to anyone except yourself for what you like.
Buy what you like. I bought the gold rMB because it is unique. Plenty of silver and grey laptops out there so I wanted to try something different.

Absolutely. If your feeling is that you want something different than what's been the "mac" look nearly forever, then your choice comes down to only gold or SG. If your eye keeps being drawn back to the gold one, then that's a pretty strong instinct to follow. Probably means that it might generally match your usual choices and your look in general too. On some people, a gold watch looks great and on others, silver.

The only thing I'd suggest is don't rush it if you're not in a hurry. People are funny when it comes to colour choice for certain items they keep for a while and that say something about themselves. Just look at cars - people tend to either agonise forever over what colour to get, or they just always go for the same colour because that way they don't have to think about what it all means again. So if you're unsure still and you don't need the machine yesterday, then take your time and kick the tyres a bit first...

One thing that helped me, even if this might sound really stupid, is that I spent a bit of time using the different colour machines in a store and changed the desktop picture a few times. Like many people, I like to change the desktop picture regularly enough. I find I do it instinctively when it goes from winter to summer, that kind of thing... So it actually made my choice easier when I got a feel for how the different machines looked with desktop pictures of radically different colours on them. I tend to go for bright colourful screen backdrops to fight the gloom in winter, sometimes I like spacey scenes and star fields in the summer, but really anything goes. So spending a while switching them around gave me a weird feel for how it might be like to live with the machine for a year.

..I realise this is really pushing it in terms of first-world problems pettiness.. but hey, I work with this equipment all the time and in the end I had to choose _a_ colour, right? So I should at least put a minimum effort into making sure I like the choice. For me taking a bit of time and trying it out for a while helped.
This is so true it's crazy. Though I will somewhat elaborate.

1. You gotta know what it looks like. I assume that your unsureness comes from not knowing "how gold" the gold MacBook is. Figure it out, go to your local Apple Store or Authorised Reseller and play around with it. If you can't find a gold MacBook in that Apple Store, find a gold iPhone 6 or iPad Air 2 there and imagine that gold in a 12" laptop. I can confirm for a fact that the gold in the rMB is exactly the same colour and finish as the gold iPhone 6 and iPad Air 2.

2. You gotta know how it would make you feel. If you think your environment might think less of you if you carry around a gold MacBook and you give a damn of what that environment thinks (there are people that needs to project a certain image for professional/whatever reasons, so I don't really buy the "Don't give a damn what your friends think" argument with too much conviction), then don't buy the gold because a great design in a product is meant to give you more confidence not the other way round. Me personally, chose the gold because it's the only one available anywhere where I live, plus, my friends don't even bug me about the colour as much as they bug me about having another Apple product (I'm known as the "Mac Guy" in my circle of friends). So there you go.

3. You gotta know how you use it. Which actually means realising that when you use your MacBook to write an essay, browse the internet, or write a really long post on the MacRumors forums, you'll be looking at the inner part of your MacBook which is essentially the illuminated keyboard, the metal body with the same shade as the outer part, and the screen with a black bezel around it. And bah gawd that contrast of the black keyboard and the gold body is absolutely stunning, much better than what a space gray would be, so for me it's one of the reasons I'm very happy with my purchase.

4. You gotta know that you're not setting anything in stone. Lots of sleeves and stickers are in the market so you can hide that gold, if it's a source of problems. They are not exactly expensive either, if you're willing to look.

Sorry if that seemed drawn out, English isn't my first language so I hope anyone reading would bear with me.
Thanks I haven't logged into Macrumors since posting that but thank you to everybody for your replies
[doublepost=1453507932][/doublepost]Just wanted to apologize for not getting back to everybody I haven't logged in for months but thanks all of you for your help!
Thanks I haven't logged into Macrumors since posting that but thank you to everybody for your replies
[doublepost=1453507932][/doublepost]Just wanted to apologize for not getting back to everybody I haven't logged in for months but thanks all of you for your help!

You gonna just leave us hanging? Did you get the gold Macbook or not?
I remember when these launched, I initially thought there was no way I'd ever buy the gold. But I absolutely love the colour, muted, champagne gold rather than the brash gold. Don't regret the decision.
I see this question in every forum here, where apple offers different colors. So many people are worked up that a given color is too feminine, which is hogwash. OP, if you want the gold MacBook, get it and to be honest, who cares what others think.

Do you want to live your life trying to please other people's preconceived notions of colors, or do you want to enjoy what you bought for your own reasons?
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I am a male and going to purchase a macbook. I want goldd but I'm not sure if it looks femenine. I'd appreciate any feedback or opinions!

I got the gold model (because I am going to hand this first-generation MacBook to the wife when the Skylake refresh hits) and take a lot of razzing from the guys because of it. It looks like it would be good to help me put my makeup on, etc. But who cares what they think? I think it's faaaaabulous.
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I am a male and going to purchase a macbook. I want goldd but I'm not sure if it looks femenine. I'd appreciate any feedback or opinions!
I'm a guy. Got gold. Its more interesting than bland silver and gray. Jyst stay out of gay bars and you'll be ok.
I remember when these launched, I initially thought there was no way I'd ever buy the gold. But I absolutely love the colour, muted, champagne gold rather than the brash gold. Don't regret the decision.

I really like the gold and black combination. Wish they would do the same for the iPhone & iPad.
So in the end I got the Macbook Pro with retina display. I really wanted the Macbook for its impressive form factor but in the end I couldn't justify spending $1,300 on a computer that would struggle to do Photoshop, ect... I've had the Macbook Pro with Retina for about four months now and love it. Also as a side note for anybody looking to get the Macbook, go to the store and try out the keyboard. I learned to type on the traditional Apple keyboard and type over 100wpm but typing on the new Macbook makes me cringe. There is no travel or "bounce" (I guess is the right word) that you feel in the normal Apple keyboard it feels like typing on an iPad. I really hope they don't put the butterfly keyboard across the lineup. For anybody considering getting a Macbook I'd really consider getting a Pro with Retina. In the Windows world it would classify as an Ultrabook by Intel's standards and is as powerful as a full computer. Hope this helped somebody and thanks to everybody for your replies!
Get a Gold one! Who cares what people think! I have a gold one and I think it really stands out and looks nicer than the other ones. Beware that the scratches may pop out more as mine has a few and you can really see them.

EDIT: Seems like you already made your decision lol I still have my i7 Macbook Pro 2011 and a gold Macbook . I'm thinking of sticking with the Macbook and selling my Pro. I mainly used the pro for gaming.. but seeing that some games don't play nice even with bootcamp - I might replace the pro for a gaming Windows laptop (GASP!) for gaming and my Macbook for every day use.
the op has made a decision, but anyone else would probably be better off ignoring heteronormative assumptions about colors. get what you want and enjoy it. the gold is great. i got it, and i'm a guy -- besides, no one else cares about the color of your notebook.
the op has made a decision, but anyone else would probably be better off ignoring heteronormative assumptions about colors. get what you want and enjoy it. the gold is great. i got it, and i'm a guy -- besides, no one else cares about the color of your notebook.

You're in Starbucks. You're all alone. You're looking pretty hot in your $200 jeans and your $100 t-shirt, your dad's hand-me-down stainless steel Rolex is glistening under the halogens, the tortoise framed Ray Ban's are sparkling in your tussled dirty blonde hair.

Across from you is an unbelievably hot coed, she's 20, maybe 21, and you can tell from her shoes and her nails that she was raised right, she's too sexy for the glasses she's wearing but you know that's part of her game, she knows you like the smart and sexy type.

She smiles at you, just a bit of a glance, sips her latte, and you're feeling it, you know it's going to happen. And then you reach into your backpack, whip out your Gold MacBook, and she knows you swing for the other team, pity she whispers to herself, grabs her purse, throws on her jacket, and she's gone.

You're in Starbucks. You're all alone. You're looking pretty hot in your $200 jeans and your $100 t-shirt, your dad's hand-me-down stainless steel Rolex is glistening under the halogens, the tortoise framed Ray Ban's are sparkling in your tussled dirty blonde hair.

Across from you is an unbelievably hot coed, she's 20, maybe 21, and you can tell from her shoes and her nails that she was raised right, she's too sexy for the glasses she's wearing but you know that's part of her game, she knows you like the smart and sexy type.

She smiles at you, just a bit of a glance, sips her latte, and you're feeling it, you know it's going to happen. And then you reach into your backpack, whip out your Gold MacBook, and she knows you swing for the other team, pity she whispers to herself, grabs her purse, throws on her jacket, and she's gone.


Any girl that judges a man by his laptop needs an education! A classy, intelligent girl would not be impressed by a Rolex or Ray Ban material rubbish. Seriously BJ, what is this rubbish? Very council estate!
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