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macrumors 68000
Original poster
May 3, 2011
With great prices just before ip 16 release i am gonna buy ip 15 but man, cant decide between Pro Max and Pro.

I like portability of mine ip 14 Pro, would like bigger screen while sitting home but probably would miss obe hand operability outside… first wordl problems, i guess
I think another big consideration is battery life. If you can't charge your phone often, then the Pro Max and its huge battery will be really helpful.

But if you can charge it often and you're already used to the size of the iPhone 14 Pro, you might be better off with just the regular Pro.
I dont mind smaller battery, i am not sure about bugger screen, if it is really such a gamechanger… i remember owning 6 plus and that was really clunky to hold and use one handed.. i guess ip 16 pro would be best - bigger screen but portable. But prices of 15 line are sooo temtping right now
We just ordered ours last night! :)

I was always set on a PM for the camera and screen size, and got a 512GB in Natural Titanium.

SO was going to get the 128GB Pro, but decided on the 256GB PM in blue for an extra $5/month with the carrier trade-in deal.

These will be a nice upgrade from our base 13s. Looking forward to ProMotion and a better camera! :apple:
Are you in a country with an Apple Store that has a return policy? If so, why not try out the Max and see how you get on with it? I reckon you'll know pretty quickly whether it works for you or not.
no apple store here, only apple online store.. Im in EU - can return in 14 days to any online seller, BUT I want to use trade in, so no return possible.
Get a Loopy case for the PM. It will be way easier to hold than the smaller Pro without that case.
I use a loopy case on all my phones. Even the smaller ones.

The only downside to the bigger PM is the weight and size in your pocket. Holding it isn’t an issue with a loopy case.
If you don't mind spending a bit more, I'd say wait for the 16 Pro coming next month.

The 16 Pro is said to increase its screen size from 6.1 to 6.3 inches. It'll be a slightly larger screen without sacrificing one-handed use.
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