13" TB (base model), I run the app battery logger and it tracks actual usage time as well as sleep time. I've had some battery drain during sleep overnight (3-7% on average) that I'm confident is a software issue and can be addressed. In actual usage, I've been getting about a 10% drain per hour using Safari, Spark mail, a few Youtube videos (or video in news articles), iMessage, etc. Light usage. That correlates to a 10hr battery life. I'd say, I've been really getting about 7-8 when in normal use. It will drop to 6-7 if I throw in Photos, etc. (not video editing though).
This is MUCH better than I got on the 15" I returned which was 3-5 hours with the same usage. So far I'm much happier. It did take me doing a complete HD wipe using disk util and then a 100% clean install of 10.12.2 from a USB disk to get this though. Out of the box, I got 4-7 hours on the 13".
There ARE apps that I KNOW are battery killers and not optimized for 10.12.x yet. These include what I use for my workday/corporate as well: Office 2016's Outlook and Skype for Business (any conference kills it really fast, I've reported this to MS and they are "addressing it" with betas which are getting better) and MS remote desktop. Apple wise, of course editing in FCPX or iMovie will and that should be expected. Adobe LR6 is also a killer, even just browsing, no editing.