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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 15, 2014
Rome, Italy
Today is a sad day. My G5 decided to give up and refuse to boot. :(
It turns on, no chime, no power LED, no video, fans at full blast after 30 seconds.
What do you think? Logic board failure?
It’s a Dual 2.0GHz from June 2004


Sep 3, 2016
When the PSU failed on my g5 it would do wonky stuff like pseudo boot with fan ramp ups, to nothing at all to magically booting up & running fine for days in end.

The way I discerned ultimate death was not really technical - I listened for a click when plugging in the box. When that was absent, I figured the psu went whole hog & bit the big one, replaced it & I was right.

I too at first thought lobo & not psu, so before you buy a new board, check the psu. My psu was $20+shipping USD from Canadia.

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macrumors 6502
Apr 22, 2015
When the PSU failed on my g5 it would do wonky stuff like pseudo boot with fan ramp ups, to nothing at all to magically booting up & running fine for days in end.

The way I discerned ultimate death was not really technical - I listened for a click when plugging in the box. When that was absent, I figured the psu went whole hog & bit the big one, replaced it & I was right.

I too at first thought lobo & not psu, so before you buy a new board, check the psu. My psu was $20+shipping USD from Canadia.


Yeah, IIRC computer hardware *theoretically* could operate forever, as long as it *never* got too hot, too cold, exposed to dust, exposed to moisture, and never went over(or under) voltage(this also means that it can never experience a power surge, which is almost impossible, since on any given day, the power grid can surge up to 50 volts, and devices are expected to handle it).

Now of course, designing a consumer product that can meet all of those requirements is nigh impossible(or at least, prohibitively expensive, most people probably wont be able to afford it).

P.S. The hardware should never be exposed to vibrations or drops either.
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macrumors 6502
May 28, 2015
Yeah, IIRC computer hardware *theoretically* could operate forever, as long as it *never* got too hot, too cold, exposed to dust, exposed to moisture, and never went over(or under) voltage(this also means that it can never experience a power surge, which is almost impossible, since on any given day, the power grid can surge up to 50 volts, and devices are expected to handle it).

Now of course, designing a consumer product that can meet all of those requirements is nigh impossible(or at least, prohibitively expensive, most people probably wont be able to afford it).

P.S. The hardware should never be exposed to vibrations or drops either.

Indeed , that is why military grade electronic equipments (avionics in particular) are so expensive.


Oct 31, 2017
Yeah, IIRC computer hardware *theoretically* could operate forever, as long as it *never* got too hot, too cold, exposed to dust, exposed to moisture, and never went over(or under) voltage(this also means that it can never experience a power surge, which is almost impossible, since on any given day, the power grid can surge up to 50 volts, and devices are expected to handle it).
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Yeah, IIRC computer hardware *theoretically* could operate forever, as long as it *never* got too hot, too cold, exposed to dust, exposed to moisture, and never went over(or under) voltage(this also means that it can never experience a power surge, which is almost impossible, since on any given day, the power grid can surge up to 50 volts, and devices are expected to handle it).

This is where purchasing a UPS is essential.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 15, 2014
Rome, Italy
I'm gonna try and test every voltage output on the PSU and then hook up a rewired regular PC PSU, we'll see. Actually, it started turning off randomly by itself a year ago, then it started freezing within the OS and finally no boot at all.


macrumors 6502
Jun 16, 2013
theres a post on here somewhere re using a pc psu for the g5 iMac. would that be close enough pin out wise to you DP to be of help maybe...


macrumors member
Feb 19, 2017
With mine it turned out to be the cpus. Managed to get a replacement section and it's running again. Local computer shop did the fitting. You then need to calibrate the fans.


macrumors 6502
Apr 22, 2015
Is it possible to open up the stock Apple PSU? If so, it would be a good idea, when you buy one, to open it up, and blow out any dust with compressed air, then completely clean it with isopropyl alcohol, then put it back together(actually, this is good practice for any used computer purchase, either clean the existing PSU or buy a new one.)
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macrumors 65816
Aug 2, 2015
For technological restoration, I swear by that stuff. It's the greatest.

Cleans, and disinfects. What more could you want? :D

When I lived in Florida 30 years ago, I found that it'll also kill palmetto bugs that make it into your house and crawl in your bathtub :)
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macrumors 68040
Jun 2, 2017
When I lived in Florida 30 years ago, I found that it'll also kill palmetto bugs that make it into your house and crawl in your bathtub :)

Usually, I find that the best solution is to try grabbing and throwing them outside with a paper towel - if you can catch the things.

I don't typically want to deal with cleaning up cockroach guts. Plus, the smell is another problem.

Day in the life...
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When I lived in Florida 30 years ago, I found that it'll also kill palmetto bugs that make it into your house and crawl in your bathtub :)

I can’t for the life of me figure out why I will never set foot into Florida so long as my mortal coil is animated by me. And even if you get a hearse to drive my remains over that state line, it will re-animate about 500 metres before and hop out of the hearse.

Calling ugly af filthy monster beastly heckin’ cockroaches which FLY toward you — always — the very instant you turn on a light in a dark room/kitchen/garage/washroom something diminutive and cute like “““““palmetto bugs””””” and leaving behind those creepy egg sacs all, “’sup, I was here before you,” ain’t getting me to change my answer or phone my lifeline, hell naw.
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macrumors 68040
Jun 2, 2017
Calling ugly af filthy monster beastly heckin’ cockroaches which FLY toward you — always — the very instant you turn on a light in a dark room/kitchen/garage/washroom

Yes, that is certainly a traumatizing event.

It's 100x amplified, of course, when you're trying to go to sleep, and you hear a flapping sound near your pillow. So you turn the light on. To your great horror, you find out you are lying next to a fat surfboard, who is currently rapidly scampering all over your very pillow, and was mere seconds away from climbing aboard onto your own face.

...I didn't know they could turn airborne-at-will prior to that incident.

Good thing they don't travel very fast. If they're going in your direction, you usually have plenty of time to dodge them - and snatch them out of midair! ;)

"Back to the depths of hell with you!"


The smaller German variety aren't so bad, and are a lot more tolerable. In those cases, they're better handled by just blowing them away, off whatever surface they're on. They don't sprout wings, thankfully.
Hey, did any of you guys see the full moon last night?

I don't think so. Was it good?

We need a dedicated place where we can talk about these kinds of ordinary life happenings. This is great. :)
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