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macrumors 65816
Oct 14, 2011
Is it just me or is that Ad, awfully like an Apple Ad??
Galaxy S awfully like an iPhone!
Google Music awfully like Music Match!

Whats next, 'The GooglePod', Google AirBook, iGoogle, GooglePad :rolleyes:

Apple ads get straight to the point. This Ad is nothing like an Apple Ad.

Rodimus Prime

macrumors G4
Oct 9, 2006
Or you could have that music on the device and save some internet bandwidth.

You know that a lot of people have more music than can fit on ones phone. I just store my favorite stuff on my phone. I keep around 6-7gigs of my 35 gig library on my phone. I stream everything not there and if it is something I know I will be listening to something a lot not on my phone I mark it to go for offine so it will download it and store it to the phone.


macrumors 6502
Feb 26, 2008
20,000 songs @ 5MB per song... you're looking ay uploading 80GB of data. Yeah, good luck with that. That'll take me like a month. Also, the nice thing about iTunes match is that it 'cleans up' all the songs you don't have proper metadata for, names, album art, etc and takes care of all the organization. For me, that's a huge plus.


macrumors 65816
Oct 14, 2011
20,000 songs @ 5MB per song... you're looking ay uploading 80GB of data. Yeah, good luck with that. That'll take me like a month. Also, the nice thing about iTunes match is that it 'cleans up' all the songs you don't have proper metadata for, names, album art, etc and takes care of all the organization. For me, that's a huge plus.

Not everyone has 20,000 songs. Not everyone will upload all their songs at once.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 27, 2009
Edinburg, Texas
Mmm, yes.


Or you could have that music on the device and save some internet bandwidth.

I do have some of it, but since I don't have room on my phone for all 15k of my songs I have to stream from time to time. It's just a convenience thing and it's very convenient for me.

And I don't think my phone supports micro SD cards more than 32 GB in size. ;)


macrumors 6502a
Mar 9, 2009
Title is a little misleading as Google Music works on any device, including iDevices, right?

Jerome Morrow

macrumors 6502a
Jun 13, 2011
United Kingdom
I do have some of it, but since I don't have room on my phone for all 15k of my songs I have to stream from time to time. It's just a convenience thing and it's very convenient for me.

And I don't think my phone supports micro SD cards more than 32 GB in size. ;)

Then don't sync all of it.


macrumors 601
Apr 18, 2011
Google Music is great. Even though it took forever to upload all my songs, once I was done, I couldn't imagine it any other way. Storage for 20,000 songs for free? Who wouldn't want that?

So bandwidth costs to upload all the songs costs nothing? Where I am uploading GB of data is a slow expensive process. Possibly weeks to upload it all.

$25 to have most of it instantly match with the iTunes library and no need to upload it all. And the possibility to upgrade it to 256kbps? Yes please. I'll pay that fee.

If this was done by MS I light have looked into this. I quite like MS at times. But google no. The only google thing I use now is a gmail account dedicated so all the spam goes in there to leave my @me email account spam free. I don't trust google with anything. So I'm staying far away from this.

If MS tries something like this I'd really like to try it though.


macrumors 603
Feb 3, 2008
Essex (UK)
You know that is what you get for using property formats. It just recently went open source. I can understand no one wanting to trust Apple with ALAC formats until recently.
I do agree.
The fact that Apple have open sourced ALAC makes me hope that Google will one day support it. It'd be wise for Google to add it IMO.


macrumors newbie
Nov 18, 2011

I was wondering....

If you could share a google account with several other people....and they all upload their music seperatly to that account.

Could it be possible to each of that group stream the music to her/his device on the same time?

Would be nice ;-)


macrumors newbie
Oct 17, 2011
This means anyone (even me who can just barely play a guitar) can for $25 have a global music distribution deal. This the HUGE and the 70% cut is far better than they'd get otherwise.

But sadly the kids will never buy your music if you are not on TV.

But for $25 I just might get a few buddies call ourselves a "band" with some catchy name like "We Suck", or "Musical Disaster" we each chip in $5 and publish an album. I wonder if we'd ever make our $25 investment back?

I bet a lot of people actually try this.

yeah, I agree. I think the implications for independent music are pretty interesting. I bet your band names are already taken though.


Oct 20, 2010
I bet it will be as popular as Buzz and Google Plus, too.

Oh, wait.

Does Google even have ANY original ideas, these days? I'm quite happy with iTunes Match, thank you very much. You know why? I just burned about five CD's yesterday to my library and they automatically uploaded to iCloud in the background. Didn't have to do anything - as a matter of fact, I forgot about it and came back to iTunes and saw everything was neatly uploaded and I could access it just fine on my MBP and iPhone.


macrumors 68040
Apr 6, 2007
Are you telling me any app or browser on a smartphone running android has no ads ?

You do know Google owns Admob don't you ?

AdMob offers advertising solutions for many mobile platforms, including Android, iOS, webOS, Flash Lite, Windows Phone 7 and all standard mobile web browsers.

Real research bro. Real research.

Learn to read. I said there are no adverts in ANDROID, not the apps. The same can be said for iOS, there are no adverts in it, but there are in some apps.

So yes, it was real research...bro.


macrumors 603
Sep 19, 2003
Canada, eh?
Wow, looks like Apple really has their work cut out for them. I wonder how easy it is to use Google + versus Facebook. I think Apple needs to ditch the FB app, it hardly ever works.

I agree the FB app sucks, but that's not Apple's fault. Though Apple could maybe tell them "look, take this off the app store until it's fixed".


macrumors P6
Jun 22, 2009
I think this is going to flop honestly.


Personally I think the service is pretty good even if the web-based app needs a little work. Not sure about how popular buying music will be with Google - but I can't really predict there.

What I do know is that people love free. People love to access their music anywhere and everywhere and not everyone has an iDevice to use iCloud/iTunes Match. And there are millions of people who use gmail/other services already.

So what are your reasons that you think it will flop. Honestly.


macrumors 603
Sep 19, 2003
Canada, eh?
Just because you don't like Google Apps means it's garbage...

In 2010, 25 million people switched to Google Apps:

25,000 government employees of the NOAA will migrate to Google Apps:

I have many more sources of many more people who switched to Google Apps.

The charity I volunteer with finds it useful, at least for calendaring (we use Dropbox to do group file synchronization since we want to use Word and Excel). We have a web-based calendar on our own domain (thanks to Google) where any one of us can input dates (board meetings, event dates, fundraising, even birthdays) and the relevany categories of events get automatically published on our website through a Google RSS feed. Any one of us can also sync the account to our iDevices or to our own Google calendars. Publish once, access anywhere. Very handy.


macrumors P6
Jun 22, 2009
I was wondering....

If you could share a google account with several other people....and they all upload their music seperatly to that account.

Could it be possible to each of that group stream the music to her/his device on the same time?

Would be nice ;-)

From Google's site:

Adding music from multiple computers You should download the Music Manager onto the primary computer where you keep your music; however, if you have more than one computer with music files, you can download the application to your other computers as well.

Google Music will automatically combine duplicate albums if the metadata is identical, so you can prevent duplicate albums from appearing by editing the metadata in your local files prior to adding them to Google Music.


macrumors member
Jul 25, 2007
Well I found one plus to google music vs match. Some of my music in match has been replaced by clean versions that didn't happen with google music. Before you guys keep praising match and dumping on G-music check your collections to see how many songs have been cleaned up. I love iOS, but they should give you an option to match or upload your original tracks. Right now I think I'm sticking with google even though the iphone playback options suck.
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