Hey all,
Anyone else experience this?
So I got this message on 3 separate drive accounts I had previously working perfectly from an external HD
Like WTF?? Thankfully, I do have a 4TB HD in my Studio Ultra but I also refer to keep Cloud storage on an external Drive which is made up of a 2 x Raid 0 NVMe enclosures.
Anyone else experience this?
So I got this message on 3 separate drive accounts I had previously working perfectly from an external HD
macOS compatibility changes
Your Google Drive folder for name@mydomain.com has moved in order to continue compatibility with macOS. Drive was previously located in MyExternalHD but is now located in Macintosh HD - Data. Recent Items may be displaced due to this move, but are safe in their new locations. You can continue syncing your files normally.
Like WTF?? Thankfully, I do have a 4TB HD in my Studio Ultra but I also refer to keep Cloud storage on an external Drive which is made up of a 2 x Raid 0 NVMe enclosures.