With the current PPC challenge going on, I though it would be fun to try and get my online schoolwork done with my PowerPC macs. I've mainly been using my iBook G4 and PBG4 1.67, and they are working well for most tasks (plus the Powerbook has a great keyboard.) However, one major issue is the heavy use of google drive in the online learning platform. Google drive runs poorly on both machines, taking several minutes to even load a document, then suffering from terrible input lag. I'm using 10.4 on the iBook and 10.5 on the PB, both with TenFourFox and foxPep tweaks. I have also tried leopard webkit on the powerbook and it gives similar results. Is there a way to make google drive/docs usable, or is it just too script heavy?
I could work around it by typing up documents in Pages or Word and uploading them, but it would be nice to make use of the docs editor.
I could work around it by typing up documents in Pages or Word and uploading them, but it would be nice to make use of the docs editor.