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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Google has integrated Google Keep notes into Google Docs, allowing users of the Google Keep iOS app to drag-and-drop their notes directly into online documents.

With Google Keep for iOS, users can input notes, lists, photos, and voice memos, set reminders about notes, and organize their note collections with labels and colors.


While in Docs on the web, users can now access the Keep notepad via the Tools menu. The new integration means users can copy their Keep notes into Docs and create new Keep notes right from inside Docs (accessed via the web, not through the Docs app), after which they will sync back to the Keep iOS app.

Google has offered some tips on making the most of the new feature:
Here are a few ways you can now work better with the integration between Keep and Docs:

Drag your notes from Keep directly into your work documents

Easily search your notes in Keep while in Docs to find the information you need to complete your project

Add a new note in the Keep notepad or select text from inside of your document and easily add it to a new note (just right click and select "Save to Keep notepad"). When you open that note in Keep, we'll include a link back to the source document so you can always refer back to it.
Google Keep is a free download for iPhone and iPad available from the App Store. [Direct Link]

Article Link: 'Google Keep' iOS Notes Now Integrate With Google Docs on the Web


macrumors 68000
Oct 12, 2014
Finally! This is fantastic.

Now Google just needs to deliver an iOS widget for calendar


macrumors G5
Jun 12, 2012
Same with my wife and daughter. It's like the both run iPhones... powered by Google.

and really it is just iMessage, FaceTime, and shared photo albums that keep with with IOS. Everything else is google: email, contact, calendar, notes, google drive.


macrumors newbie
Sep 14, 2016
Didn't see it mentioned in the article but this is only available as part of GSuite. Regular Google accounts won't have this capability.
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macrumors member
Nov 25, 2014
How come I have it then? I have a regular account with Google.
I just got home and tried it out and it works on a regular Google account. Just after fooling around with it this will be a killer feature. I now can move off of OneNote which I keep on a local work Win10 notebook which ties into the company MS license agreements. If I can use this new combo instead and have it on my Google account via the web, that data tie to me. Being in sales, this is a great new feature. I will test it out tonight, but it looks promising.

However, I do have a bitch about Google and privacy overall and prefer my data tied into my iCloud account. Hopefully Apple will make the improved notes app have a reminders function with the share sheets or embedded in the app itself. Even better yet is to add a tagging feature that is iOS feature. More thoughts later.
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macrumors G3
Sep 20, 2006
There & Back Again
If Keep was as powerful as Evernote I would leave and use Keep. I'm a G Suite user and it would just make sense to have one less thing, but dang it Evernote is amazing and I haven't been able to replace it.


macrumors 6502
Oct 1, 2014
Wait. Next month Google will announce that they are discontinuing Keep. ;)

Keep has been going for a long time already. They're not discontinuing it.
Didn't see it mentioned in the article but this is only available as part of GSuite. Regular Google accounts won't have this capability.
That's not true. I'm using it in my Docs and I don't have GSuite.


macrumors G4
Apr 9, 2010
where hip is spoken
Keep has been going for a long time already. They're not discontinuing it.
No it hasn't been going for a long time already. Google Keep was launched in 2013. For comparison, it's predecessor was Google Notebook (2006-2011). Google has a poor track record of longevity with their apps that they can't monetize. (it is helpful to compare that against offerings like EverNote, OneNote, etc.)

My comment about discontinuing Keep was half-joking. I think it is important for people to know Google's track record with note apps before making the commitment to rely on it.


macrumors 6502
Oct 1, 2014
No it hasn't been going for a long time already. Google Keep was launched in 2013. For comparison, it's predecessor was Google Notebook (2006-2011). Google has a poor track record of longevity with their apps that they can't monetize. (it is helpful to compare that against offerings like EverNote, OneNote, etc.)

My comment about discontinuing Keep was half-joking. I think it is important for people to know Google's track record with note apps before making the commitment to rely on it.

4 years in the tech world is a long time.
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