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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

After more than a year since announcing the feature, Google Maps is finally rolling out glanceable directions on Android and iOS (via Android Police).


The feature allows users to view turn-by-turn directions and a live ETA directly from their device's lock screen – information that was previously only visible when a phone was unlocked.

Glanceable directions also work on the app's route overview screen that appears after launching directions, before users tap the Start button. Google Maps will show directions, live ETA, and even update the route if the user takes a different path, as shown in the GIF embedded below.

Glanceable directions are off by default, but can be enabled in the app's main settings, under Navigation. In our tests on iPhone, the setting only appeared after switching Google accounts, suggesting the feature is still rolling out. However, we are still not seeing support for Live Activities in iOS, which was promised a year ago.


Google first announced glanceable directions last February, and in June said the feature was rolling out that month for walking, cycling, and driving directions on Android and iOS, including compatibility with Live Activities in iOS 16.1.


Based on assets recently unearthed by MacRumors in an earlier version of the app, Google Maps continues to work on integrating Live Activities support for iPhones, but when we'll actually see it at this point is anyone's guess.

Article Link: Google Maps Finally Rolls Out Glanceable Directions


macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2021
Maybe it’s me but I find Google Maps to be very “busy” these days. I was a die hard Google Maps fan but in the metro area I live in, Apple Maps is actually better in some cases and the map interaction is simpler. Now if Apple Maps ditched Yelp for Google Reviews then it’s game over.


macrumors regular
Sep 13, 2014
Hamburg, Germany
Maybe it’s me but I find Google Maps to be very “busy” these days. I was a die hard Google Maps fan but in the metro area I live in, Apple Maps is actually better in some cases and the map interaction is simpler. Now if Apple Maps ditched Yelp for Google Reviews then it’s game over.
Apple Maps is soo much cleaner these days.
4 Buttons and a search-sheet combination in Apple Maps vs. around 15 buttons, a search bar, a nav bar, and a sheet in Google Maps...



macrumors regular
Aug 5, 2020
I didn’t even know Google had this ability. I thought it was exclusive to Apple Maps or something. I wonder what their engineers even do all day, there’s no world where this actually took that long to develop.
Google is in full ******tification mode. They have already saturated their addressable market and they suck at product design when they aren't just copying Apple. So their clueless executive team now justifies their outrageous compensation by laying off workers and cancelling projects, and by chasing whatever the latest trend may be with Wall Street analysts, jumping from crypto to Ai.


macrumors member
Nov 11, 2022
Maybe it’s me but I find Google Maps to be very “busy” these days. I was a die hard Google Maps fan but in the metro area I live in, Apple Maps is actually better in some cases and the map interaction is simpler. Now if Apple Maps ditched Yelp for Google Reviews then it’s game over.


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macrumors G3
Oct 1, 2005
Colorado Springs, CO
For what it’s worth, this was on by default for me. I also don’t notice any difference. But that could be because I only use Google Maps to search (so I’m not used to its navigation). I use Apple Maps to navigate.
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macrumors 68020
Oct 11, 2011
Apple Maps is soo much cleaner these days.
4 Buttons and a search-sheet combination in Apple Maps vs. around 15 buttons, a search bar, a nav bar, and a sheet in Google Maps...
If Apple Maps would fix the "Search here" thing, were it should just search in the area I'm currently windowed to, then I'd never have a reason to open Google Maps. Sometimes I'll scroll/pinch/zoom to an area I'm going to be in, in the future, then search for something, and it'll decide to go back to my current location and start looking there. So annoying, and makes the App useless for that search.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 20, 2017
North Carolina
I have made the decision to detach myself as much as possible from the Google universe. I'm probably late to the game, but this company is becoming pretty evil. I changed all my logins that used Gmail addresses to Apple iCloud addresses. I removed YouTube from my devices. I've used DuckDuckGo for search now for years. My last app was Google Maps, but I thought to take a second look in quite some time at the Apple Maps app instead. It looks to me that it's improved substantially, so -- as of yesterday -- I've deleted Google Maps from all my devices.

I'm hoping I didn't miss some little spyware somewhere. But in a real way, I feel pretty good about moving away from this dark entity...


macrumors 68020
Jul 27, 2003
You'd think Apple's own app would support Live Activities too, but for some reason it doesn't. I still prefer Apple Maps overall though.


macrumors 6502
Nov 5, 2011
WDC Metro area
Maybe it’s me but I find Google Maps to be very “busy” these days. I was a die hard Google Maps fan but in the metro area I live in, Apple Maps is actually better in some cases and the map interaction is simpler. Now if Apple Maps ditched Yelp for Google Reviews then it’s game over.
Indeed. Google suffers from the more-is-better syndrome. They jam so much crap onto the screen that if makes it difficult - and therefore dangerous - to glance at the map while driving.
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macrumors 6502
Nov 5, 2011
WDC Metro area
Maybe it’s me but I find Google Maps to be very “busy” these days. I was a die hard Google Maps fan but in the metro area I live in, Apple Maps is actually better in some cases and the map interaction is simpler. Now if Apple Maps ditched Yelp for Google Reviews then it’s game over.
I want to use/like Apple Maps, because I have an Apple Watch, but I find - occasionally - Apple picks the goofiest routes imaginable. I have fabulous area knowledge because for 20 years I had a driving job which took me all over the Metro area in which I live, don't even need GPS/Map help, but sometimes turn it on to see if I can learn anything. Sometimes I do; mostly I already know the route they are going to pick.
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macrumors 68040
Mar 16, 2016
Wild West
Apple Maps is soo much cleaner these days.
4 Buttons and a search-sheet combination in Apple Maps vs. around 15 buttons, a search bar, a nav bar, and a sheet in Google Maps...

The only thing I can see on this AM is that there is a river in Verona.


Mar 26, 2017
The fact that Google Maps still doesn't support traffic reporting on CarPlay remains a baffling decision.
Yeah, I'd love to be able to report traffic backups like you can in Waze, but Google does (at least for me) inform me of traffic issues and offers alternate routes.
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Mar 26, 2017
I have made the decision to detach myself as much as possible from the Google universe. I'm probably late to the game, but this company is becoming pretty evil. I changed all my logins that used Gmail addresses to Apple iCloud addresses. I removed YouTube from my devices. I've used DuckDuckGo for search now for years. My last app was Google Maps, but I thought to take a second look in quite some time at the Apple Maps app instead. It looks to me that it's improved substantially, so -- as of yesterday -- I've deleted Google Maps from all my devices.

I'm hoping I didn't miss some little spyware somewhere. But in a real way, I feel pretty good about moving away from this dark entity...
I feel that same way about getting away from Google. I jumped on the iOS17 beta train to give Apple's offline maps a try as I use Google Maps exclusively just for the offline feature. Still haven't moved 100% to Apple Maps (maybe because I'm still used to using Google) but I'm working on it. I do like Apple's offlime map sizes better than Google.


macrumors 65816
Sep 7, 2020
Yeah, I'd love to be able to report traffic backups like you can in Waze, but Google does (at least for me) inform me of traffic issues and offers alternate routes.
I read a good piece last week that noted that Google is vastly reducing the usefulness of their Maps reporting feature by not including it on CarPlay given how CarPlay is basically a default option on most vehicles these days. I can't disagree with that.

All that said, I use Apple Maps anyway.
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