Hi, would appreciate owners of both to chime in on which camera they like more: the pixel 2 or the iPhone 8.
How reliable is the portrait bokeh function on the pixel 2? Can you do the blue effect on subjects who are not standing still?
I care about the camera quality a lot. From what I have seen the pixel 2 camera is at least as good as the iPhone 8, but their visual core hasn’t even been activated yet. I sort of wonder if three months from now the pixel 2 may pull definitively ahead of the iPhone 8 once the visual core is enabled. So my question is basically, is the pixel 2’s dynamic range, sharpness , autofocus better than the iPhone 8? I recall reading that the pixel chooses quick shutter speed which is great as the iPhone has all kinds of motion blur.
How reliable is the portrait bokeh function on the pixel 2? Can you do the blue effect on subjects who are not standing still?
I care about the camera quality a lot. From what I have seen the pixel 2 camera is at least as good as the iPhone 8, but their visual core hasn’t even been activated yet. I sort of wonder if three months from now the pixel 2 may pull definitively ahead of the iPhone 8 once the visual core is enabled. So my question is basically, is the pixel 2’s dynamic range, sharpness , autofocus better than the iPhone 8? I recall reading that the pixel chooses quick shutter speed which is great as the iPhone has all kinds of motion blur.