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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 19, 2013
United Kingdom
So i went downstairs this morning.. without a clue, then my father just says happy birthday son.. and presents me with an iMac box! :D

This is my first ever mac, and I am happy to say that it runs for better than my old PC ever did. It's a 2.7GHZ Core i5 with 8gb RAM and 1TB hard drive.

Have already upgraded it to Yosemite.. and I must say, god this thing is beautiful!


macrumors 6502a
Feb 17, 2013
So i went downstairs this morning.. without a clue, then my father just says happy birthday son.. and presents me with an iMac box! :D

This is my first ever mac, and I am happy to say that it runs for better than my old PC ever did. It's a 2.7GHZ Core i5 with 8gb RAM and 1TB hard drive.

Have already upgraded it to Yosemite.. and I must say, god this thing is beautiful!

Guess you owe your Dad in a big way. Don't forget!


macrumors 6502a
Dec 25, 2010
So i went downstairs this morning.. without a clue, then my father just says happy birthday son.. and presents me with an iMac box! :D

This is my first ever mac, and I am happy to say that it runs for better than my old PC ever did. It's a 2.7GHZ Core i5 with 8gb RAM and 1TB hard drive.

Have already upgraded it to Yosemite.. and I must say, god this thing is beautiful!



macrumors 65816
Jun 15, 2007
That's awesome! Happy Birthday! Enjoy the festivities.



macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 19, 2013
United Kingdom
How are you finding Yosemite? I don't suppose you have much to compare it to though.

I used to run Mavericks on my mackintosh before I got this iMac, I am not sure yet. I do like the new interface, however I do miss the old 3D style dock.

Speed wise, it flies through Yosemite, Graphics look nice and everything feels responsive. Yet to run into a serious bug with it.

Big Ron

macrumors 6502
Dec 7, 2012
United Kingdom
So i went downstairs this morning.. without a clue, then my father just says happy birthday son.. and presents me with an iMac box! :D

This is my first ever mac, and I am happy to say that it runs for better than my old PC ever did. It's a 2.7GHZ Core i5 with 8gb RAM and 1TB hard drive.

Have already upgraded it to Yosemite.. and I must say, god this thing is beautiful!

First ever iMac and you updated it already to Yosemite - Something fishy:confused:


Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
So i went downstairs this morning.. without a clue, then my father just says happy birthday son.. and presents me with an iMac box! :D

This is my first ever mac, and I am happy to say that it runs for better than my old PC ever did. It's a 2.7GHZ Core i5 with 8gb RAM and 1TB hard drive.

Have already upgraded it to Yosemite.. and I must say, god this thing is beautiful!

Congrats and what a nice birthday present!

Any chance your dad would be up for adopting a few of us? :D


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 19, 2013
United Kingdom
Thank you :) I have now gone back down to Mavericks as i was a little unsure about running pre released software on my brand new machine. To be honest, I feel like Yosemite actually runs slightly better than mavericks does!


macrumors 68000
Dec 17, 2009
Folsom, CA
Thank you :) I have now gone back down to Mavericks as i was a little unsure about running pre released software on my brand new machine. To be honest, I feel like Yosemite actually runs slightly better than mavericks does!

It doesn't run better, having both I can attest to that. My advice on pre-release software is to install it on its own partition or to get a high quality EHD or external SSD and install it there. Then you can play with it and if bugs appear it's not in your primary computing environment. Using any pre-release software can be sketchy, most sophisticated users would never install any pre-release software into their primary work environment, it's just too dangerous.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 19, 2013
United Kingdom
It doesn't run better, having both I can attest to that. My advice on pre-release software is to install it on its own partition or to get a high quality EHD or external SSD and install it there. Then you can play with it and if bugs appear it's not in your primary computing environment. Using any pre-release software can be sketchy, most sophisticated users would never install any pre-release software into their primary work environment, it's just too dangerous.

I'm sorry, are you trying to tell me how fast it runs on MY mac? I have used both, and there is absolutely no slowdown at all.

Big Ron

macrumors 6502
Dec 7, 2012
United Kingdom
Thank you :) I have now gone back down to Mavericks as i was a little unsure about running pre released software on my brand new machine. To be honest, I feel like Yosemite actually runs slightly better than mavericks does!

That was my point exactly, why would you want to prat around chancing beta software on a new machine?, pointless and whats more pointless is announcing it to everyone else:confused:


Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
That was my point exactly, why would you want to prat around chancing beta software on a new machine?, pointless and whats more pointless is announcing it to everyone else:confused:

Nothing pointless about it at all. OP got a new iMac and wanted to test out the also new beta OS on it, and is enthused and wanted to discuss it with other forum members. It seems very easy to understand to me.

Big Ron

macrumors 6502
Dec 7, 2012
United Kingdom
Nothing pointless about it at all. OP got a new iMac and wanted to test out the also new beta OS on it, and is enthused and wanted to discuss it with other forum members. It seems very easy to understand to me.

Normally Weaselboy I would agree with you however; I find it strange that anyone would experiment with beta software on a brand new machine.
Wait until Yosemite is formally released.

To announce it on the forum is a waste of time because I don't see what it would achieve. Just about everyone will know by now that you can istall Yosemite - big deal. What does that achieve - nothing because the Mac is now back running Mavericks.

It would be analogous to say: I bought a new car today - swapped out the engine for a new/bigger/different one - tried it - then put the original back in.

Complete waste of time doing it then announcing that youve done it


macrumors regular
Oct 10, 2011
So i went downstairs this morning.. without a clue, then my father just says happy birthday son.. and presents me with an iMac box! :D

This is my first ever mac, and I am happy to say that it runs for better than my old PC ever did. It's a 2.7GHZ Core i5 with 8gb RAM and 1TB hard drive.

Have already upgraded it to Yosemite.. and I must say, god this thing is beautiful!

Awesome! Happy birthday and congratulations....Nice Dad you have there! Enjoy your new Mac!
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