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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Oct 28, 2007
However now my charge indicator will not come on. I've tried 5-6 different adaptors - none work.

Any idea how to resolve?
This is the first I've heard of this. If you're sure no water damage, perhaps report it as a bug? It is a beta, after all.
This is the first I've heard of this. If you're sure no water damage, perhaps report it as a bug? It is a beta, after all.
yah i did some searching and it does not show up anywhere.
it sits in charger and doesn't go below 3% which is odd. so it's getting some charge but not advancing
i figured it out - thanks guys. it was just some slight dirt in the port. i cut a q-tip with scissors and used that to probe in there. after that it worked. not related to beta. so no report

altho interesting it "detected water" - it was just black gunk
wpw- it charged up but now won't charge again.
keeps saying water in the charger. there is not.....odd......
ok i figured it out and how to bypass it.
it's the water in lightening warning. no matter what the warning triggers and you have to hit ignore twice to re-enable charging. hopefully this is fixed next update
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