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Brendan P Curran

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 3, 2021
Help I need advice...My screen on my Mac Book Pro started flickering last week (It was still under guarantee) so I sent it back to be repaired, only to be told because because it had a slight Chip in the screen bezel I would need to pay £700. My issue is that the slight
chip I have lived with for over a year now and that the the screen flickering only started last week... it occurred more when running film and was less when on stand still....................Is this the screen or the graphics processor.

IMG_2752 2.JPG


macrumors 601
Feb 17, 2008
Fort Worth, Texas
One way to find out if it's the GPU or the display itself is to attach an external monitor. If the symptoms occur the same on the external monitor, then you can assume it's the GPU.

Also, when posting it's always helpful if you describe which Mac you have, model and year.
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