Was so tired of dealing with this, when I was with AT&T. I just left them, for T-Mobile, when the 6s came out.
Every time I called AT&T about a billing or technical issue, the script their reps ran seems to always point me to ditching my grandfathered unlimited plan. It also ticked me off that they wouldn't, unless I ditched my unlimited plan, let me use my phone as a hotspot. I was paying a ton of money every month, just because I don't like surprises. Hey I like the concept of unlimited, and it;s the plan that I bought. I had been with AT&T prior to the iPhone, since the early 90's but they didn't care.
Oh well. I ditched their backwards butts and went T-Mobile. I got my unlimited everything, for $40 less than AT&T. I got the ability to use my phone as a hot spot, which has come in incredibly handy. I love that feature!!!! I got free Canada & Mexico calling/roaming, which saves me a bit of dough every month. I'm happy.
Really I don;t know what AT&T is thinking? I would have actually paid more to stick with them, but now I'm glad that they didn't want to keep me, because I'm saving money.
And the network that I was so worried about - I'd say it's about 95% as good. It's weird because my phone will now often only have a bar or two, but calls and dat are fine. I haven't yet run into a situation where I couldn't make or receive calls, which is good. I have run into a situation or two where I feel my data rates were dramatically worse. Looking at their map, it looks like they're making big strides. but if I lived in some parts of the country, I would not yet feel comfortable switching. Fortunately, coverage is good where I am. and I'm happy I switched.
So long, AT&T! Glad you treated me badly enough to make me get off my duff and save a bunch of money. And yeah, keep treating your unlimited data customers like they're pariahs.