I have iPhone 6 plus 8.1.3, there is this grey bar on bottom of screen. Reduce transparency option is off by default. HELP!
Yup dock was transparent before, and that's the way I like it. Why is this ogly grey bar there now?
Yes, the opaque grey bar is normal. Nasty but normal.
This is iOS 8, I swear it was transparent before. How do i jailbreak?
You want to JB your phone to just get rid of this?
You're making it out to be this huge complex irreversible procedure which it's not.
Only grey if you choose a black background. Annoying, I know, but you could always choose a different color background.
Don't know what jailbreak even means. But is there another solution to this bs...
My background is not black and you still have the same grey bar. From what I remember it has been there a long time.
I just do not see how this can be that big of an issue as it is just part of the OS. But different things do bother people.
DO a Google: iPhone jailbreak
I have a blue background and my dock is blue. When the bottom of my background is green, the dock is green. It's never been grey for me, unless I had a black background.
Not sure if I want to jail break it, as there is a chance I might screw it up somehow , like I did my htc. Just weird that it was transparent before, and then turned Into this. But thax for replies
Not sure if I want to jail break it, as there is a chance I might screw it up somehow , like I did my htc. Just weird that it was transparent before, and then turned Into this. But thax for replies