Anyone knows how to remove them? Saw some videos that Olive oil works but wondering if anyone has tried it or has tried something else... Screen protector is perfectly fine no dust or lint just the halo effect
Anyone knows how to remove them? Saw some videos that Olive oil works but wondering if anyone has tried it or has tried something else... Screen protector is perfectly fine no dust or lint just the halo effect
Anyone knows how to remove them? Saw some videos that Olive oil works but wondering if anyone has tried it or has tried something else... Screen protector is perfectly fine no dust or lint just the halo effect
Do you trust the videos that you watched that use this method? Altogether, I think it something that is part of using a screen protector. Unless you switch to a different screen protector for possible different results.
Do you trust the videos that you watched that use this method? Altogether, I think it something that is part of using a screen protector. Unless you switch to a different screen protector for possible different results.
Well I don't trust all but I have seen many already that has success, I had already put 5 Zagg HD buy Best buy staff and all have the halo effect. They even told me nothing bad happens, I told them I don't want it, they refunded the money. So I bought a cheap one which had the halo effect too, so I followed the videos instructions with using olive oil and it worked no halo effect.